Data Standard
Open Contracting Data Standard 1.1+
Data standard is modelled along the Open Contracting Standard with extensions in areas that were not covered by it. OCDS is an open data standard for publication of structured information on all stages of a contracting process. The Open Contracting Data Standard is maintained using JSON Schema. The main sections and common objects used in the schema are introduced in the getting started section.
OCDS structure
The OCDS provides a detailed specification of the fields and data structures to use when publishing open data about contracting processes. The OCDS concept of a release can be broadly equated to the concept of a ‘notice’ UNCITRAL regulations.
The core OCDS schema is designed to support global interoperability, and to include a common core of data fields required by a wide range of use cases. The OCDS schema can be extended with definitions for new data structures to meet the needs of particular publishers.
A typical OCDS release consists of Package, Release and one or more Sections. This documentation includes Package and Release within this Structure subheading. Sections, such as Tender, Award and Contract are explained within the Sections sub-heading. Objects are explained within the Building Blocks and Extensions Building Blocks.
Building blocks
Building blocks are OCDS data structures that are smaller than most sections and are coherent blocks of data in their own right. It should be possible to read a building blocks data in isolation and for it to make sense. Where blocks have other building blocks nested within them the documentation shows how those are structured and then provides an example of the data that describes the building blocks together.
The majority of OCDS data is held within a release structure. One or more releases can be published within a release package. Releases are made up of a number of sections, including the following.
Each of the parties (organizations or other participants) referenced in a release must be included in the parties section: information on the parties who are involved in the contracting process and their roles, e.g. buyer, procuring entity, supplier etc. Organization references elsewhere in the schema are used to refer back to this entries in this list.
The planning section is used to describe the financial background to a contracting process. This include details of the budget from which funds are drawn or related budget-projects for this contracting process.
This section contains information about the budget line and/or associated projects, through which this contracting process is funded. It used to cross-reference to more detailed information held using a Budget Data Package (Expenditure Item and/or Budget Project) or where no linked Budget Data Package is available, to provide enough information to allow cross-reference with another published source of budget and project information.
The tender section includes details of the announcement that an organization intends to source some particular goods, works or services, and to establish one or more contract(s) for these.
The bid section is used to publish summary statistics and individual bid information. Where information is provided on individual bids, these statistics should match those that can be calculated from the bid details array and an array of bids, providing information on the bidders, and where applicable, bid status, bid values and related documents. The extent to which this information can be disclosed varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Data regarding prequalification process - limiting the number of qualified bidders by reviewing each bidder's qualifications against a set of criteria.
An award for the given procurement. There may be more than one award per contracting process e.g. because the contract is split amongst different providers, or because it is a standing offer.
The contract section is used to provide details of contracts that have been entered into. Every contract needs to have a related award, linked via the awardID property. This is because supplier information is contained within the ‘award’. The framework contract details below help illustrate the reasons for this.
Extending the standard
The OCDS release schema can be extended with definitions for new fields and data structures to meet the needs of particular communities of data publishers. This document also provides key information on using an extended release schema for the UNCITRAL.
Procurement Process Stages
Depending on the type of procedure (tender.procurementMethodDetails) different stages can be used. In general, there are 4 main stages of the procurement process, from which the competitive phase of the purchasing process can consist (in different combinations and / or sequences):
This is a period during which interested parties can clarify any details of object of future procurement with CA and with respond to an initial contract notice are submits a short statement of information about the organization according to instructions or a questionnaire. These form the basis of a qualification submission that such parties must make to demonstrate their ability to implement the project. CA selects several candidates to be invited to the next stage. This stage relates specifically to the selection of competent tenderers, prior to the issue of invitations to tender with a main purpose to select those potential suppliers, whose qualifications and experience would minimise the risk of non-performance.
Pre-selection Stage (PS) data-model
The pre-selection of participants of future stages usually the first active stage of multi-stage procedures (restricted tender or any other). Therefore, the core of data-model of the pre-selection stage is the contractNoticeand described as Release Package.
Since the stage is active (meaning that there are user actions form CA and EOs expected) in its process there are data describing its course and result generated by Users Actions. Such data are described by objects complementing the initial data model of the stage (see description below).
During ‘Pre-qualification’ stage all invited (pre-selected) parties can also clarify any additional details of object of future procurement with CA and with respond to an invitation are submits a technical offer according to instructions or a questionnaire. These form the basis of a pre-qualification submission that such parties must make to demonstrate benefits and superiorities of theirs offers. CA selects several candidates to be invited to the next stage.
The pre-qualification process itself consists of the examination and evaluation of the technical part of received offers according to specifications and requirements as defined in the tender documentation, analyse their benefit and determine their superiority. Pre-qualification is the basis for the subsequent selection of the offer that provides the best value for money for the CA.
Pre-qualification Stage (PQ) data-model
Note that pre-qualification of participants of future stages may goes either the first (and even include functionality of PS) or one of the subsequent stages of a multi-stage tender as stand-alone stage.
In case of PQ is a first active stage of multi-stage tender, the core of data-model of such ‘PQ’ is equal to PS data-modeldescribed above.
If PQ used in a Procurement Process as subsequent stage, an extension to initial data-model is used to describe a list of invited (usually - pre-selected) participants. This model extension is equal to model of definition of disclosed bids described below. All included ‘bids’ will be indicated with initial status ‘invited’ that means that this is a “drafts” of future possible technical bids, based on the results of previous stage (in case of PQ usually it’s a PS). Also all tenderers who passed previous stage and invited to participate in PQ will be included in a ‘parties’ section of definition of such PQ as ‘tenderers’. Since the stage is active (meaning that there are user actions form CA and EOs expected) in its process there are data describing its course and result generated by Users Actions. Such data are described by objects complementing the initial data model of the stage (see description below).
Given that the process of selection of qualified suppliers at the PQ in repetitive procedures (FA, DPS) leads to the obligation to Contract Award Notices, the data-model of this stage is also could be expanded with one more section - ‘contracts’ that includes auto-generated CANs. This model extension is equal to model of definition of Contract Award Notices described below.
During ‘Evaluation’ stage all invited (pre-selected and/or pre-qualified) parties can also clarify any additional details of object of future procurement with CA and with respond to an invitation are submits a financial offer according to instructions or a questionnaire. CA selects several candidates to be invited to the next stage. Financial evaluation of the proposals involves consideration the offers with the financial and commercial requirements stipulated in the tender documentation. It is also important to identify whether they are within the available budget for the project.
Evaluation Stage (EV) data-model
Note that Evaluation stage may go either the first (and include one or both previous steps: PS and PQ) or one of the subsequent stages of a multi-stage tender as stand-alone stage.
In case of EV is a first active stage of multi-stage tender, the core of data-model of such pre-qualification stage is equal to cnPreselectionStage data-modeldescribed above. If EV used in a Procurement Process as subsequent stage, an extension to initial data-model is used to describe a list of invited (usually - pre-qualified) participants. This model extension is equal to model of definition of disclosed bids described below. All included ‘bids’ will be indicated with initial status ‘invited’ that means that this is a “drafts” of future possible financial bids, based on the results of previous stage (in case of EV usually it’s a PQ). Also all tenderers who passed previous stage and invited to participate in EV will be included in a ‘parties’ section of definition of such EV as ‘tenderers’.
Since the stage is active (meaning that there are user actions form CA and EOs expected) in its process there are data describing its course and result generated by Users Actions. Such data are described by objects complementing the initial data model of the stage (see description below).
Given that the process of selecting a winner at the EV leads to the obligation to Contract Award Notices, the data-model of this stage is also expanded with one more section - ‘contracts’ that includes auto-generated CANs. This model extension is equal to model of definition of Contract Award Notices described below.
Data formats
This section describes the international standards used for formatting data used in the system. The aim of using this standards is facilitating the understanding of the data and guaranteeing data interoperability.
Date and time format - ISO 8601
Date and time format - ISO 8601
Media Types
Per Section 3.1 of [RFC6838], Standards Tree requests made through IETF documents will be reviewed and approved by the IESG, while requests made by other recognized standards organizations will be reviewed by the Designated Expert in accordance with the Specification Required policy. IANA will verify that this organization is recognized as a standards organization by the IESG.
IANA Media Types - RFC6838
ISO 639 is a standardized nomenclature used to classify languages. Each language is assigned a two-letter (639-1) and three-letter (639-2 and 639-3), lowercase abbreviation, amended in later versions of the nomenclature. The system is highly useful for linguists and ethnographers to categorize the languages spoken on a regional basis, and to compute analysis in the field of lexicostatistics.
Language codes - ISO 639
The currency for each amount should always be specified using the uppercase 3-letter currency code from ISO-4217.
Currency codes - ISO 4217
Data Transfer Approach
Data-releases must be published within a release package, which can contain one or more releases. The release package, modelled on the Data Package protocol, provides metadata about the release(s) it contains, the publisher, and data licensing information.
The following points describe some information about the releases and records:
- Releases are immutable, records are updated over the life of the contracting processes.
- Releases are point in time updates, records show the most up to date information.
- A single contracting process can have many releases but must have only one record.
- Records either store a history of changes or links to individual releases.
- The OCID remains consistent across all releases and records whilst the release ID changes with each release.
- The value of persistent releases for spotting red flags.
- Releases can repeat or update information from previous releases.
- Release tags help to identify what stage of the contracting process a release is about
Record Package
The Record Package contains a list of records along with publishing metadata. The records pull together all the releases under a single OCID and compile them into the latest version of the information along with the history of any data changes.
Record Package Schema on GitHub/Open-Contracting
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
uri | string | auto-generated |
The URI of this package that identifies it uniquely in the world |
version | string | auto-generated |
The version of the OCDS schema used in this package |
extensions | array : string | auto-generated |
An array of OCDS extensions used in this package |
publisher | object | auto-generated |
Information to uniquely identify the publisher of this package See Publisher |
license | string (uri),null | auto-generated |
A link to the license that applies to the data in this data package. |
publicationPolicy | string (uri),null | auto-generated |
A link to a document describing the publishers publication policy. |
publishedDate | string (date-time) | auto-generated |
The date that this package was published. |
packages | array : string (uri) | auto-generated |
A list of URIs of all the release packages that were used to create this record package |
records | array : object | auto-generated |
The recordsfor this data package |
The record (Release Package) schema describes the container document for publishing releases.
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
ocid | string | auto-generated |
A unique identifier that identifies the unique part of multi-stage Open Contracting Process. |
releases | array : string (uri),null | auto-generated |
A list of objects that identify the releaseassociated with this OCID. The releases are sorted into date order in the array, from oldest to newest. |
compiledRelease | array : object | auto-generated |
This is the latest version of all the contracting data, provided as an array of releases |
versionedRelease | string (uri),null | auto-generated |
This contains the history of the data with all versions of the information and the release they came from |
Linked releases
Information to uniquely identify the release
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
url | string (uri),null | auto-generated |
The URL of the release which contains the URL of the package |
date | string (date-time),null | auto-generated | The date this information was first released, or published. |
tag | enum : string | auto-generated |
One value from the releaseTag codelist. Tags may be used to filter release and to understand the kind of information that a release might contain. The tag should match the tag in the release. This provides additional context when reviewing a record to see what types of releases are included for this ocid. |
Release Package
All information about a current stage of specific part of contracting process is described with release.
Release Package Schema on GitHub/Open-Contracting
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
ocid | string | auto-generated | A unique identifier that identifies the unique part of multi-stage Open Contracting Process. |
id | string | auto-generated | An identifier for this particular released information |
date | string | auto-generated | The date this information was first released, or published. |
tag | array : string | auto-generated | One or more values from the releaseTag codelist. Used to understand the kind of that a release might contain. |
initiationType | string | auto-generated | String specifying the type of initiation process used for this contract, taken from the initiationTypecodelist. |
parties | array : object | auto-generated | Information on the Organizations who are involved in the process and their roles. See Organization |
buyer | object | auto-generated | The buyer is the entity whose budget will be used to purchase the goods. |
planning | object | optional | Information from the planning phase of the contracting process. See Planning |
tender | object | optional | The activities undertaken in order to enter into a contract. See Tender |
bids | array : object | auto-generated | The bid section is used to publish summary statistics, and where applicable, individual bid information. See Bids |
awards | array : object | auto-generated | Information from the award phase of the contracting process. See Award |
contracts | array : object | auto-generated | Information from the contract creation phase of the procurement process. See Contracts |
relatedProcesses | array : object | auto-generated |
A link to a related contracting process in OCDS and the type of relationship See RelatedProcess |
hasPreviousNotice | boolean | optional | True/False field whether this release represents a notice that is connected to a previous notice |
buyerInternalReferenceId | string, null | optional | The buyer's internal reference identifier is an EU specific field. |
purposeOfNotice | object | optional | Details about the purpose of this notice release See PurposeOfNotice |
relatedNotice | array : object | optional | Information that connects a notice with a related notice for the contracting process. See RelatedNotice |
For more information about entitities definitions, you can find the extended version of this section in the latest version of the document Definitions.xlsx.
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
isAcceleratedProcedure | boolean | default:false | A True/False field to indicate whether an accelerated procedure has been used for this procurement |
acceleratedProcedureJustification | string, null | Justification for using an accelerated procedure |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
streetAddress |
string |
The street address. For example, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy. |
postalCode | string, null | The postal code. For example, 94043.. |
addressDetails | object | See AddressDetails |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
country | object | Classification of the country according to one of available schemes |
locality | object | Classification of the locality according to one of available schemes See Classification |
region | object | Classification of the region according to one of available schemes |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
date | string, date-time | auto-generated | The date of this amendment. |
rationale | string, null | An explanation for the amendment |
id | string, null | auto-generated | An identifier for this amendment: often the amendment number |
description | string, null | A free text, or semi-structured, description of the changes made in this amendment. |
amendsReleaseID | string, null | auto-generated | Provide the values for this contracting process before the amendment was made. |
releaseID | string, null | auto-generated | Provide the values for this contracting process after the amendment was made. |
type | string, null | auto-generated | A type for this amendment taken from a Amendment typescodelist |
status | string, null | auto-generated | A status for this amendment taken from a Amendment statusescodelist |
relatesTo | string, null | auto-generated | This ‘amendment’ can be specifically related to one of the lots. Where this is a case, this attribute to be filled as a ‘lot’ |
relatedItem | string, null | auto-generated | Where ‘relatesTo:lot’ for this ‘amendment’ a unique id of the related lot shall be reflected by this attribute |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
id | string, date-time | auto-generated | The identifier for this award |
suppliers | array : object | auto-generated | |
documents | array : object | All documents and attachments related to the award, including any notices. See Document |
value | string, null | auto-generated | The total value of this award See Value |
items | array : object | auto-generated | The goods and services awarded in this award, broken into line items See Item |
status | string, null | auto-generated | The current status of the award drawn from the AwardStatuses codelist |
statusDetails | string, date-time | auto-generated | Additional details of an award status according to AwardStatusDetails codelist |
date | string, null | auto-generated | The date of the contract award. This is usually the date on which a decision to award was made. |
relatedLots | array : string, null | auto-generated | If this award relates to one or more specific lots, provide the identifier(s) of the related lot(s) here. |
relatedBid | string, null | auto-generated | The identifier of the bid related to this award |
requirementResponces | array : object | auto-generated | |
weightedValue | object | auto-generated | Total weighted value for this award calculated with a scoring function applied See Value |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
description | string | Any free text description related to the Bank Account |
bankName | string | The legal name of the bank |
address | object | Bank address described as standard ‘address’ object See Address |
identifier | object | The main identifier of the Bank according to one of available Banks schemes See Identifier |
accountIdentification | array : object | The settlement account according to one of available bank account identification schemes See Classification |
additionalAccountIdentifiers | array : object | Additional identifiers of bank account (e.g. fiscal code of the bank if applicable) See Identifier |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
id | string, null | auto-generated | A local identifier for this bid |
date | string, date-time | auto-generated | The date when this bid was received. |
status | string, null | auto-generated | The status of the bid, drawn from the bidStatus codelist |
statusDetails | string, null | auto-generated | The status details of the bid, drawn from the bidStatusDetails codelist |
tenderers | array : object | ||
value | object | The total value of the bid See Value |
documents | array : object, null | All documents and attachments related to the bid and its evaluation. See Document |
relatedLots | array : string | If this bid relates to one or more specific lots, provide the identifier(s) of the related lot(s) here. |
requirementResponses | array : string , null | A set of responses by EO against the requirements applied by PE for eligibility check and evaluation |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
id | array : string, null | auto-generated | An internal identifier for this statistical item. |
measure | string, null | auto-generated | An item from the bidStatistics codelistfor the statistic reported in value. |
date | string, date-time | auto-generated | The date when this statistic was last updated. This is often the closing date of the tender process. |
value | number,null | auto-generated | The value for the measure in question. Total counts should be provided as an integer. |
notes | string, null | auto-generated | Any notes required to understand or interpret the given statistic. |
relatedLot | string, null | auto-generated | If this statistic relates to bids on a particular lot, provide the lot identifier here. |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
budgetBreakdownID | string | ID of part of initial defined budget using as a link |
amount | number | The amount of available fundings |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
id | string | An identifier for the budget |
description | string | A short free text description of the budget |
project | string | The name of the project that through which this contracting process is funded (if applicable) |
projectID | string | An external identifier for the project that this contracting process forms part of, or is funded via (if applicable). |
uri | string | A URI pointing directly to a machine-readable record about the budget |
europeanUnionFunding | object | Details where a procurement has partial or full financing from a European funded project |
isEuropeanUnionFunded | boolean | A True or False field to indicate whether this procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by EU funds. |
budgetAllocation | array : object | Structured information about allocation of fundings under this concluded contract See BudgetAllocation |
budgetSource | array : object | Set of sources of fundings defined for this concluded contract See BudgetSource |
sourceEntity | object | Reference the organization providing the budget |
verified | boolean | A True or False field to indicate whether this funds are verified by authorized entity (Treasury) |
verificationDetails | string | The rationale for the verification provided in free text. |
amount | object | Object described the sum of the available funds under this EI See Value |
budgetBreakdown | array : object | Detailed budget breakdown to be expressed, covering multiple budget sources and multiple periods See BudgetBreakdown |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | An identifier for this particular budget entry (equal to OCID of used FS) |
description | string, null | A short free text description of this budget entry. |
amount | object | The value of the budget line item. See Value |
uri | string | A URI pointing directly to a machine-readable information about this budget entry. |
sourceParty | object | Reference the organization providing the funds under this budget-line |
period | object | The period covered by this budget entry. See Period |
Name | Type | Description |
budgetBreakdownID | string |
ID of part of initial defined budget using as a link |
period | object |
The period on which specific budget is allocated See Period |
relatedItem | string |
Identifier of specific item on which allocated budget is related |
amount | number |
The amount of available fundings |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
ID for this function |
type | string,url |
This field is used to indicate the code of function according to the BusinessFunctions codelist |
jobTitle | string,null |
Job title name |
period | object |
Period of occupation of this business function See Period |
documents | string,url |
See Document |
Name | Type | Description |
scheme | string,url |
This field is used to indicate the scheme/codelist from which the classification is drawn |
id | string,null |
The classification code drawn from the selected scheme. |
description | string,null |
A textual description or title for the code. |
uri | string,url |
A URI to identify the code |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier of this coefficient |
value | number, boolean, string, integer |
Requirement value for this coefficient |
coefficient | number |
The value of the coefficient |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
The name of the contact person, department, or contact point, for correspondence relating to this process |
string |
The e-mail address of the contact point/person |
telephone | string,null |
The telephone number of the contact point/person. This should include the international dialling code |
url | string,null |
A web address for the contact point/person |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this request |
title | string,null |
Request title |
description | string,null |
Request description |
source | string,null |
Source of response to the requirements specified in the criterion as one of the available types, |
relatesTo | string,null |
The schema elementon which this request is related |
relatedItem | string,null |
The id of related element |
requestGroups | array : object |
A group of actors related to this request. See RequestGroup |
type | enum : string |
The way or confirmation according to RequestType codelist |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this confirmation response |
value | object |
request | string |
The id and of the request on which the response is applicable to |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
The name of Entity whose representative did this conformation |
id | string |
The identifier of Entity whose representative did this conformation |
date | string |
The date than this confirmation has been done |
relatedPerson | object |
Reference to the person who did this confirmation See PersoneReference |
verification | object |
The type and the body of confirmation substance See Verification |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
id | string | auto-generated |
The identifier for this contract |
awardID | auto-generated | The against which this contract is being issued. |
extendsContractID | string,null | auto-generated |
If this contract extends or amends a previously issued contract, then the provided here. |
title | string,null |
Contract title |
description | string,null | Contract description |
status | enum : string,null | auto-generated | The current status of the contract. Drawn from the contractStatus codelist |
statusDetails | string | auto-generated |
The details of the status of the contract specified with contract statusDetails codelist |
agreedMetrics | array : object | auto-generated |
Any target metrics set out as part of the contract or its terms See Metric |
period | object |
The start and end date for the contract. See Period |
value | object | auto-generated |
The total value of this contract. See Value |
confirmationRequests | array : object | auto-generated |
The set of confirmations required under this contract |
confirmationResponses | array : object | The set of responses of requested confirmations |
documents | array : object | All documents and attachments related to the contract, including any notices. See Document |
implementation | array : object | See Implementation |
relatedProcesses | array : object | auto-generated |
Details of the related process can be provided here. See RelatedProcess |
milestones | array : object | A list of milestones associated with the finalisation of this contract. See Milestone |
amendments | array : object | See Amendment |
date | date | auto-generated |
Date when this contract was issued |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this conversion |
description | string,null |
Conversion description |
rationale | string |
The rationale provided in free text |
coefficients | array |
A set of coefficients applicable within this conversion for each value available under related requirement See Coefficient |
relatesTo | enum |
The schema elementthat the conversion relates to |
relatedItem | string |
The id of related element |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this criterion |
title | string,null |
Criterion title |
description | string,null |
Criterion description |
source | string,null |
Source of response to the requirements specified in the criterion as one of available types |
relatesTo | string,null |
The schema elementthat the criterion judges, evaluates or assesses. E.g. criterion may be defined against items or bidders |
relatedItem | string,null |
The id of related element |
requirementGroups | array : object |
A list of requirement groups for this Criterion See RequirementGroup |
Name | Type | Description |
typeOfBuyer | string |
The type of buyer taken from the EU's specified list [typeOfBuyer] |
mainGeneralActivity | string |
The main general activity of the buyer taken from the EU's specified list mainGeneralActivity codelist |
mainSectoralActivity | string |
The activity of the buyer taken from the mainSectoralActivity codelist |
isACentralPurchasingBody | boolean |
A true/false field to indicate whether the organization is a central purchasing body |
scale | string |
For commercial organization's, is this a micro, Small or Medium or large entity according to the Scale codelist |
gpaProfile | object |
See GpaProfile |
bankAccounts | array : object |
See BankAccount |
legalForm |
object |
Classification of the organization according to Classifier of organizational and legal forms of entities of Moldova(MD-CFOJ) See Classification |
mainEconomicActivity | array : object |
Identifier of the registered activity according to Classification of the types of economic activity(MD-CTEA) See Classification |
permits | array : object |
Information about permits and licenses issued for the organization See Permit |
typeOfSupplier | string |
Classification of the supplier according to typeOfSupplier codelist |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
A local, unique identifier for this document. |
documentType | string |
A classification of the document described taken from the documentType codelist. |
title | string,null |
The document title. |
description | string,null |
A short description of the document. |
url | string,url |
A direct link to the document or attachment. |
datePublished | string,date-time |
The date on which the document was first published. |
dateModified | string,date-time |
Date that the document was last modified |
format | string,null |
The format of the document taken from the IANA Media Types code list. |
language | string,null |
Specifies the language of the linked document using either two-digit ISO 639-1 |
relatedLots | array : string,null |
If this document relates to a particular lot, provide the identifier(s) of the related lot(s) here. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier of specific economic activity described for EO |
description | string |
Human readable description of related activity |
useOrdering | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if electronic ordering will be used. Required by the EU |
usePayment | boolean |
A field to indicate whether the Dynamic Purchasing System may be used by buyers outside the notice. |
acceptInvoicing | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if electronic invoicing will be accepted. Required by the EU |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
statistics | object | auto-generated |
Aggregate statistics about the auctions related to this specific contracting process |
details | array |
An array, providing information for each auction scheduled under this specific contracting process |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
id | string | auto-generated |
A unique identifier for the auction |
relatedLot | string |
If this auction relates to a specific lot, this field contains the lot identifier |
electronicAuctionModalities | array |
The set of specific attributes and values of this auction |
auctionPeriod | object |
Auction period for specific electronic auction |
electronicAuctionProgress | array |
The array describes set of parts of the auction (rounds) and users action (moves) under this parts |
electronicAuctionResult | array |
The array describes a result of specific electronic auction |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
eligibleMinimumDifference | object |
The minimal step available for the specific electronic auction See Value |
url | string | auto-generated |
The url of this auction for viewers |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
relatedBid | string |
The id of tenderers’ bid |
value | object | auto-generated |
The value for final tenderers’ offer submitted under auction See Value |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
id | string |
The minimal step available for the specific electronic auction |
period | object | auto-generated |
See Period |
breakdown | object |
The minimal step available for the specific electronic auction |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
relatedBid | string | auto-generated |
The id of tenderers’ bid |
status | object | auto-generated |
The status of tenderers’ action (move) under specific part of auction (round) from auction moves codelist |
date | date |
The minimal step available for the specific electronic auction |
value | object |
The minimal step available for the specific electronic auction See Value |
Name | Type | Description |
projectIdentifier | string,null |
National identifier of the EU project providing partial or full funding |
projectName | string,null |
Name or other national identification of the project providing full or partial funding. |
uri | string(url),string |
Uri of the project providing full or partial funding. |
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
id | string | auto-generated |
A unique identifier for the enquiry. |
date | string | auto-generated |
The date the enquiry was received or processed. |
author | object |
title | string |
The subject line of the question. |
description | string |
The body of the question. |
answer | string |
The answer to this question, when available. |
dateAnswered | string,date-time | auto-generated |
The date the answer to the question was provided. |
relatedItem | string |
If this question relates to a specific line-item, this field contains the line-item identifier. |
relatedLot | string |
Where lots are used, if this question relates to a specific lot, this field contains the lot identifier. |
GPA Profile
Name | Type | Description |
gpaAnnex | object |
Classification of Entity according to e-GPA scheme See Classification |
gpaOrganizationType | object |
Classification of Entity according to GPA Types of Organization See Classification |
gpaThreshold | array : object |
See GPAThreshold |
Name | Type | Description |
mainProcurementCatogory | string |
The primary category describing the main object of this tender from the procurementCategorycodelist. |
value | object |
See Value |
Name | Type | Description |
transactions | array : object |
A list of the spending transactions made (or planned) against this contract See Transaction |
milestones | array : object |
As milestones are completed, milestone completions should be documented. See Milestone |
documents | array : object |
Documents and reports that are part of the implementation phase e.g. audit and evaluation reports. See Document |
The identifier block provides a way to identify the legal entities involved in a contracting process.
Looking to find an organisation identifier? Go to
Name | Type | Description |
scheme | string,null |
Organization identifiers should be drawn from an existing organization identifier list. The scheme field is used to indicate the list or register from which the identifier is drawn. This value should be drawn from the Organization Identifier Schemecodelist. |
id | string,null |
The identifier of the organization in the selected scheme. |
legalName | string,null |
The legally registered name of the organization. |
uri | string(uri),null |
A URI to identify the organization |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
A local identifier to reference and merge the items by. Must be unique within a given array of items. |
internalId | string |
The identifier used for sequence of items |
description | string,null |
A description of the goods, services to be provided. |
classification | object |
The primary classification for the item. See the [itemClassificationScheme] See Classification |
additionalClassifications | array : object |
An array of additional classifications for the item. See the [itemClassificationScheme] See Classification |
quantity | number,null |
The number of units required |
unit | object |
A description of the unit in which the supplies, services or works are provided (e.g. hours, kilograms) and the unit-price. See Unit |
relatedLot | string, null |
If this item belongs to a lot, provide the identifier of the related lot here. |
deliveryAddress | object |
See Address |
Name | Type | Description |
isJointProcurement | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if this is a joint procurement or not. Required by the EU |
country | string,null |
ISO Country Code of the country where the law applies. Use ISO Alpha-2 country codes. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string,null |
Legal identifier(s) of any review procedure(s) initiated. Required by the EU |
title | string,null |
Title(s) of any legal proceedings(s) initiated. |
uri | string(url),null |
Legal Proceedings uri |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
A local identifier for this lot, such as a lot number. |
internalId | string |
The identifier used for sequence of lots |
title | string |
A title for this lot. |
description | string |
A description of this lot. |
status |
string |
The current status of the process related to this lot based on the tenderStatus codelist |
statusDeails | string |
The current detailed status of the process related to this lot based on the tenderStatusDetails codelist |
value | float |
The maximum estimated value of this lot. See Value |
hasOptions | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if lot options will be accepted |
hasVariants | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if lot variants will be accepted. |
hasRenewals | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether contract renewals are allowed. |
recurrentProcurement.isRecurrent | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether this is a recurrent procurement |
contractPeriod | object |
The period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active for this lot See Period |
placeOfPerformance | object |
The address and further description of the place where the contract will be performed |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
An identifier for this metric |
title | string |
The title of this metric |
description | string |
A short description of the metric. This may include short details of measurement methods |
observations | array : object |
An array of target or actual values for this metric See Observation |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
A local identifier for this milestone, unique within this block. |
title | string |
Milestone title |
type | string |
The type of milestone, drawn from an extended milestoneType codelist |
description | string |
A description of the milestone |
code | string |
Milestone codes can be used to track specific events that take place for a particular kind of contracting process. |
dueDate | string, date-time |
The date the milestone is due |
dateMet | string, date-time |
The date on which the milestone was met |
dateModified | string, date-time |
A description of the milestone |
status | string |
The status that was realized on the date provided in dateModified, drawn from the milestoneStatus codelist |
documents | array : object |
List of documents associated with this milestone See Document |
relatedLots | array : string |
If this milestone relates to a particular lot, provide the identifier(s) of the related lot(s) here. |
relatedParties | array : object |
Parties that have a relationship with the milestone See OrganizationRef |
additionalInformation | string |
Additional information about the milestone |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
A local identifier for this specific observation. |
period | object |
The period over which this observation is measured See Period |
value | object |
For financial metrics, the value of this forecast, target or actual observation see Value |
measure | string |
For non-financial metrics, the measure of this forecast, target or actual observation. Free text or numerical values. |
unit | object |
Unit of measure for this observation See Unit |
notes | string |
Any notes on this observation. This may include clarifying information. |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
Common Entity name |
id | string |
The ID used for cross-referencing to this party from other sections of the release. |
identifier | object |
The primary identifier for this organization. Identifiers that uniquely pick out a legal entity should be preferred. See Identifier |
additionalIdentifiers | array : object |
A list of additional / supplemental identifiers for the organization See Identifier |
address | object |
See Address |
contactPoint | object |
See contactPoint |
roles | array : string |
The party's role(s) in the contracting process. Role(s) should be taken from the [partyRole codelist] |
details | string, date-time |
Additional classification information about parties. See Details |
buyerProfile | string, uri |
For buyer organisations only: the url of the organization's buyer profile. Specified by the EU |
persones | array, null : object |
Individuals who represent this legal entity in this specific contracting process. See Persone |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
Common Entity name |
id | string |
The ID used for cross-referencing to this party from other sections of the release. |
identifier | object |
The primary identifier for this organization. Identifiers that uniquely pick out a legal entity should be preferred. See Identifier |
additionalIdentifiers | array : object |
A list of additional / supplemental identifiers for the organization See Identifier |
address | object |
See Address |
contactPoint | object |
See contactPoint |
Name | Type | Description |
startDate | string, date-time |
The start date for the period |
endDate | string, date-time |
The end date for the period. Has to be later than ‘startDate’ (at least one day) |
durationInDays | integer |
The maximum duration of this period in days. |
Name | Type | Description |
scheme | string |
Identifier that uniquely pick out a legal registry consists needed details. By default here - MD-SRL |
id | string |
Identifier of permit/license in selected scheme |
description | string |
The human readable name of permit/license in selected scheme |
permitDetails | object |
Details about permit/license See PermitDetails |
uri | string |
A URI to identify the permit/license |
Name | Type | Description |
issuedBy | object |
Entity who issued this permit/license |
validityPeriod | string |
Period of validity of this permit/license. See Period |
issuedThought | string |
Reference to an activity (described in 'mainEconomicActivities') which is covered by this permit/license |
Name | Type | Description |
title | string |
Title of the person (e.g. Mr, Mrs. Ms) |
name | string |
Full name of the person |
identifier | object |
Person’s identifier See Identifier |
businessFunction | array : object |
The list of functions of this person for specific organization See BusinessFunction |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
Person’s identifier |
name | string |
Full name of the person |
Name | Type | Description |
address | object |
See Address |
description | string |
Further description of the place of performance of the contract. |
Name | Type | Description |
budget | object |
Information about the budget line, and associated projects, through which this procurement is funded. See Budget |
rationale | string |
The rationale for the procurement provided in free text. More details can be provided in an attached document |
documents | string |
A list of documents related to the planning process. See Document |
implementation | object |
See Implementation |
milestones | array : object |
Any milestones related to this planning See Milestone |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
Name of the unit |
id | string |
The identifier from the codelist referenced in the scheme property |
scheme | string |
The list from which units of measure identifiers are taken. |
value | object |
The monetary value of a single unit. See Value |
Name | Type | Description |
identifier | string |
The OCID of the related process |
uri | string, uri |
A URI pointing to an OCDS release or record for the related process. This should be a machine-readable release or record package containing the relevant ocid |
id | string |
A local identifier for this relationship, unique within this array |
relationship | string |
Specify the type of relationship using the [related process codelist] |
title | string |
The title of the related process, where possible this field should match the tender/title field in the related process |
scheme | string |
The identification scheme used by this cross-reference - “ocid” |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this requirement |
title | string |
Requirement title |
description | string |
Requirement description |
dataType | string |
"string", "date-time", "number", "integer |
expectedValue | string, boolean, number, integer |
Requirement description |
minValue | according to dataType |
Used to state the lower bound of the requirement when the response must be within a certain range |
maxValue | according to dataType |
Used to state the upper bound of the requirement when the response must be within a certain range |
period | according to dataType |
A requirement response provides the value for the requirement and may provide the period to which it applies See Period |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this requirement group |
description | string |
Requirement group description. |
requirements | array : object |
A list of requirements which must all be satisfied for the requirement group to be met See Requirement |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this requirement response |
title | string |
Requirement response title |
description | string, null |
Requirement response description |
value | according to requirement.dataType |
Requirement response value. The value must be of the type defined in the requirement.dataType field |
requirement | object |
The id and title of the requirement which the response is applicable to |
relatedTenderer | object |
Reference the entry in the parties section for the tenderer the response relates to |
period | object, null |
The period which the requirement response is applicable to See Period |
responder | object |
The object for the specific person from the responding Organization See Persone |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The id of the requirement which the response is applicable to |
title | string |
The title of the requirement which the response is applicable to |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this request group |
description | string |
Request group description. |
requirements | array : object |
A list requests which must all be satisfied for the requirement group to be met See Request |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier for this request |
title | string |
Request title |
description | string |
Request description |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
A unique identifier for this transaction. |
source | string(url), null |
Used to point either to a corresponding Fiscal Data Package or machine-readable source |
date | string(date-time), null |
The date of the transaction |
value | object |
The value of the transaction. See Value |
executionPeriod | object |
Period during which this transaction should be executed then related contract milestone is achieved See Period |
uri | string(url), null |
A URI pointing directly to a machine-readable record about this spending transaction. |
payer | object |
The organization from which the funds in this transaction originate |
payee | object |
The organization which receives the funds in this transaction |
budgetSource | array : object |
See BudgetSource |
type | string |
The type of payment, specified with one of the values from transactopnTypes codelist |
relatedContractMilestone | string |
The identifier of the milestone of contract on which this transaction is relates on |
Name | Type | Description |
buyerProcedureReview | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if an economic operator applied to the buyer for a review of the procedure. |
reviewBodyChallenge | boolean |
True/False to indicate if an economic operator or another party challenged the procedure before a review body. |
legalProcedures | array : object |
Identifier(s) of any review procedure(s) initiated. Required by the EU See LegalProcedure |
Name | Type | Description |
amount | number |
Amount as a number. It should be considered that this field describes amount excluding VAT everywhere except contracts. For contracts this field describes total amount (including all taxes) |
currency | enum : string |
The currency for each amount should always be specified using the uppercase 3-letter currency code from ISO4217. |
valueAddedTaxIncluded | boolean |
True/False value indicates whether this value includes taxes or not. Applicable on the contracting stage |
amountNet | number |
Amount excluding VAT. Applicable on the contracting stage |
Name | Type | Description |
type | enum : string | |
value |
string |
For more information about entitities definitions, you can find the extended version of this section in the latest version of the document Codelists.xlsx.
Copied from eProcurementSystem.MD:
Release Tag
A contracting process may result in a number of releases of information over time. These should be tagged to indicate the stage of the contracting process they relate to.
planning | A contracting process is proposed and/or in the planning stage. Information in the tender section describes the proposed process and description of subject.. |
planningUpdate | Details of a proposed contracting process are being updated. |
tender | Providing information about a new tender (call for proposals) process. |
tenderAmendment | An amendment to an existing tender release. |
tenderUpdate | An update to an existing tender release. |
tenderCancellation | The cancellation of an existing tender. |
award | Providing information about the award of a contract. |
awardUpdate | An update to an existing award release. |
awardCancellation | Providing information about the cancellation of an award. |
contract | Providing information about a contract that has been/will be entered into. |
contractUpdate | Providing information about updates to a contract. |
contractAmendment | An amendment to an existing contract release. |
implementation | Providing new information on the implementation of a contracting process. |
implementationUpdate | Updating information provided about the implementation of a contract |
contractTermination | Providing information at the end of a contracting process. |
compiled | Used in compiled records, which have merged together multiple releases to provide a snapshot view of the contract, and a version history. |
Initiation Type
Contracting processes may be formed under a number of different processes. Currently, only ‘tender’ is supported in this codelist. Future versions of the standard may support other Initiation Types.
tender | An open competitive bidding or tendering to form contracts. |
Tender Status
The tender.status field is used to indicate the current status of a tender process.
planning | A future contracting process is being considered |
planned | A contracting process is scheduled, but is not yet taking place |
active | A tender process is currently taking place |
cancelled | The tender process has been cancelled. |
unsuccessful | The tender process was unsuccessful. |
complete | The tender process is complete. |
withdrawn | No further information on this process is available under this ocid. |
Tender Status Details
The tender.statusDetails field is used to indicate the current state of a tender process.
active.preselection |
active.preselected |
active.pre-qualification |
active.pre-qualified |
active.clarification |
active.tendering |
active.evaluation |
active.evaluated |
active.execution |
active.suspended |
complete.empty |
Fundings Statuses and its details
Expenditure Item Status
The tender.status field is used for EIs to indicate the current status of specific item
planning |
active |
compete |
cancelled |
Expenditure Item Status Details
The tender.statusDetails field is used for EIs t to indicate the current state of specific item.
blocked |
Funding Source Status
The tender.status field is used for FSs to indicate the current status of specific item
planning | source announced for future use |
planned | source announced and sent for external approve (treasury) |
active | source announced and in use |
unsuccessful | source received from validator (treasury) with negative answer |
complete | source is spent or budget period expired |
cancelled | source cancelled |
Funding Source Status Details
The tender.statusDetails field is used for FSs t to indicate the current state of specific item.
blocked | used together with ‘active’ status: budget period expired but there are still contracting process in ‘active’ status which use funding from this source |
Procurement Methods
The procurement method is the procedure used to purchase the relevant works, goods or services.
open | All interested suppliers may submit a tender. |
selective | Only qualified suppliers are invited to submit a tender. |
limited | The procuring entity contacts a number of suppliers of its choice. |
direct | The contract is awarded to a single supplier without competition. |
Procurement Methods Details
Additional detail on the procurement method used.
microValue | Micro Value Tender |
openTender | Open Tender |
restrictedTender | Restricted Tender |
frameworkAgreement | Framework Agreement |
smallValue | Small Value Tender |
directAward | Direct Award Contract |
negotiation | Negotiation Procedure |
Procurement Category
The codelist is used to indicate the primary focus of a contracting process.
goods | The primary subject of this procurement involves goods or supplies. |
works | The primary subject of this procurement involves construction, repair, rehabilitation, demolition, restoration or maintenance of some asset |
services | The primary subject of this procurement involves professional services of some form, generally contracted for on the basis of measurable outputs |
Extended Procurement Category
The codelist is used to provide additional detail about the focus of a contracting process.
goods | This procurement involves physical or electronic goods or supplies |
works | This procurement involves construction, repair, rehabilitation, demolition, restoration or maintenance of some asset or infrastructure. |
services | This procurement involves professional services of some form, generally contracted for on the basis of measurable outputs or deliverables. |
consultingServices | This procurement involves services provided on a consultancy basis. |
Award Criteria
The codelist describes the basis on which contract awards will be made.
priceOnly | The award will be made to the qualified bid with the lowest price. |
costOnly | The award will be made to the qualified bid with the lowest overall cost. |
qualityOnly | The award will be made to the qualified bid with the highest quality against some assessment method. |
ratedCriteria | The award will be made to the qualified bid with the highest score against a set of weighted criteria such as price, cost and quality. |
Award Criteria Details
The codelist for award criteria processing format
manual | the awarding will be approached manually |
automated | the awarding will be approached automatically based on ‘awardCriteria’ and set of relevant requirementResponses received from the tenderers against 'requirements' applied by PE |
Submission Method
The codelist is used to identify the mechanism through which a submission may be made.
electronicSubmission | Bids will be received through an electronic procurement platform. |
electronicAuction | Bids will be received through an electronic auction platform. |
written | Bids will be received via written documents, delivered as hard copies |
inPerson | Bids will only be received if they are hand delivered. |
Related Process
The related process block is used at the release level to point backwards to prior processes and at the contract level to point onward to sub-contracts, renewal or replacement processes. Codelist determines the kind of relationship that is being described.
framework | Framework agreement procedure first stage. |
planning | This contracting process follows on from the related planning process. |
parent | This contracting process may result in a sub-contract of the related process. |
prior | This contracting process is the renewal of the related prior process. |
unsuccessfulProcess | This contracting process follows on from a previous unsuccessful process. |
subContract | The related process may result in a sub-contract of this contract. |
replacementProcess | The related process may result in the replacement of this contract. |
renewalProcess | The related process may result in the renewal of this contract. |
x_fundingSource |
x_expenditureItem |
x_planned |
x_preselection |
x_prequalification |
x_evaluation |
x_contracting |
x_directContracting |
x_execution |
Legal Basis
DIRECTIVE_2014_23_EU |
DIRECTIVE_2014_24_EU |
DIRECTIVE_2014_25_EU |
DIRECTIVE_2009_81_EC |
REGULATION_966_2012 |
Submission Method Rationale
Submission Languages
en |
ro |
ru |
Award Status
An award move through multiple statuses. Releases over time may update the status of an ‘award’.
pending | This award has been proposed, but is not yet in force. |
active | Bid under this award has been selected, and decision in force |
cancelled | This award has been cancelled. |
unsuccessful | Bid under this award has been disqualified and decision in force |
OTHER | Free definition In case UN/LOCODE is not applicable |
Banks schemes
Bank account identification schemes
Award Status Details
An award move through multiple states (disclosed as ‘statusDetails’). Releases over time may update the ‘statusDetails’ of an award.
active | award will go to ‘active’ status |
cancelled |
unsuccessful | award will go to ‘unsuccessful’ status |
consideration | award is under consideration |
empty |
Bid Status
Bid move through multiple statuses. Releases over time may update the ‘status’ of an ‘bid’.
invited | A bid has been invited from the listed tenderer(s). |
pending | A bid has been submitted but not yet evaluated. |
valid | The submitted bid met the qualification requirements. |
disqualified | The submitted bid did not meet the qualification requirements |
withdrawn | The submitted bid was withdrawn by the tenderer or because of terms. |
Bid Status Details
valid |
disqualified |
Bid Statistics
requests | The total number of unique requests to participate received |
bids | The total number of unique bids received. |
validBids | The total number of unique bids received that were considered valid against. |
bidders | The total number of unique organizations submitting bids |
qualifiedBidders | The total number of unique organizations passing the qualification stage |
disqualifiedBidders | The total number of unique organizations that did not pass the qualification stage |
electronicBids | The number of bids received by electronic means. |
smeBids | The number of bids received from Small and Medium Sized Enterprises |
foreignBids | The number of bids received from bidders from outside the country |
foreignBidsFromEU | The number of bids received from bidders from outside the country, but based in EU |
tendersAbnormallyLow | The number of tenders excluded because they were abnormally low. |
Item Classification Scheme
CPV | General codes of Common Procurement Vocabulary |
CPVS | Supplementary codes of Common Procurement Vocabulary |
Criterion and Request Sources
tenderer | Criterion on request came from the tenderer |
buyer | Criterion on request came from the buyer |
procuringEntity | Criterion on request came from the Procuring Entity |
Criterion Relations
item |
tenderer |
lot |
Confirmation Request Relations
document | This confirmation request is related to specific document |
amendment | This confirmation request is related to specific amendment |
Contract Award Notice Statuses
pending | This CAN has been issued and related awarded contract is expected |
active | This CAN has been issued and related awarded contract is concluded |
cancelled | This CAN has been cancelled before conclusion of related awarded contract |
unsuccessful |
Contract Award Notice Status Details
contractProject | The preparation of related awarded contract is in progress |
Contract Statuses
pending | This contract has been proposed, but is not yet in force. |
active | This contract has been signed by all the parties, and is now legally in force. |
cancelled | This contract has been cancelled prior to being signed. |
terminated | This contract was signed and in force, and has now come to a close. |
Contract Status Details
contractProject | This contract has been issued as a draft and needs to be prepared by CA |
issued | This contract has been fully prepared by CA and ready for approvement by CA |
approvement | This contract is under approvement by CA |
approved | This contract has been signed by CA and moved for signing by EO |
signed | This contract has been signed by both, CA and EO |
verification | This contract has been sent for verification to the State Treasury |
verified | This contract has been verified by State Treasury |
clarification | This contract has been returned by State Treasury with clarification request |
rejected | This contract has been rejected by State Treasury |
cancellation | This contract has been set for cancellation (termination before signed by Supplier) |
termination | This contract has been set for termination |
complete | This contract has been terminated as completed |
unsuccessful | This contract has been terminated as unsuccessful |
Conversion Relations
requirement | Where conversion is related to the specific requirement |
Document Type
procurementPlan | Documentation that sets out the basis for this particular contracting process. |
riskProvisions | Documents covering how risks will be managed as part of this process. |
tenderNotice | The formal notice that gives details of a tender. |
biddingDocuments | Documentation for potential suppliers, describing the goals of the contract |
technicalSpecifications | Detailed technical information about goods or services to be provided. |
evaluationCriteria | Documentation on how bids will be evaluated. |
evaluationReports | Documents on the evaluation of the bids and the application of the evaluation criteria, |
contractDraft | A draft or pro-forma copy of the contract. |
eligibilityCriteria | Detailed documents about the eligibility of bidders. |
clarifications | Documentation that provides replies to issues raised. |
shortlistedFirms | Documentation providing information on shortlisted firms. |
contractArrangements | Documentation of the arrangements for ending the contract(s). |
complaints | Documentation of any complaints received, or decisions in response. |
billOfQuantity | Itemized information on materials, parts and labour, terms and conditions for provision. |
contractGuarantees | Documentation of guarantees relating to a contracting process or contract. |
conflictOfInterest | Documentation of conflicts of interest declared or uncovered. |
illustration | Images intended to provide supporting information. |
cancellationDetails | Documentation of reasons for cancellation of a process, award or contract. |
illustration | Images intended to provide supporting information. |
submissionDocuments | Documentation submitted by a bidder as part of their proposal. |
x_commercialOffer | Сommercial part of the offer |
x_qualificationDocuments | Qualification documents |
x_eligibilityDocuments | Eligibility documents |
x_technicalDocuments | Technical document of the offer |
awardNotice | The formal notice that gives details of the contract award. |
contractDraft | A draft or pro-forma copy of the contract. |
contractArrangements | Documentation of the arrangements for ending the contract(s). |
contractSchedule | Any document which contains additional terms. |
winningBid | Documents of the winning bid |
complaints | Documents of any complaints received, or decisions in response to complaints. |
conflictOfInterest | Documents of conflicts of interest declared or uncovered. |
cancellationDetails | Documents of reasons for cancellation of a process, award or specific contract. |
contractNotice | The formal notice that gives details of a contract being signed and valid to start implementation. |
contractSigned | A copy of the signed contract. Consider providing both machine-readable and a separate document entry for scanned-signed pages where this is required. |
contractArrangements | Documentation of the arrangements for ending the contract(s). |
contractSchedule | Any document which contains additional terms or |
contractAnnexe | Copies of annexes and other supporting documentation related to the contract. |
contractGuarantees | Documentation of guarantees relating to a contracting process or contract. |
subContract | Documentation detailing subcontracts and/or providing a copy of subcontracts |
contractSummary | Documentation providing an overview of the key terms and sections of the contract. Commonly used for large and complex contracts. |
conflictOfInterest | Documentation of conflicts of interest declared or uncovered. |
illustration | Images intended to provide supporting information. |
cancellationDetails | Documentation the arrangements, or reasons, for cancellation of a contract |
conflictOfInterest | Documentation of conflicts of interest declared or uncovered. |
illustration | Images intended to provide supporting information. |
cancellationDetails | Documents of reasons for cancellation of a process, award or contract. |
Business Function
regulatoryDocument | Documents which confirm specific business function or activity |
Form Service Parameters
The following list describes Form Serviceparams used
‘lang’ codes
EN | English |
RU | Russian |
RO | Romanian |
‘country’ codes
MD | Republic of Moldova |
‘form’ codes
EI | Expenditure Item |
UPDATE-EI | Update of existing EI |
FS | Funding Source |
UPDATE-FS | Update of existing FS |
PN | Planning Notice |
UPDATE-PN | Update of existing PN |
PIN | Prior Information Notice |
UPDATE-PIN | Update of existing PIN |
CN | Contract Notice |
UPDATE-CN | Update of existing CN |
BID | Bid |
UPDATE-BID | Update of existing bid |
ENQUIRY | Enquiry |
ANSWER | Answer for specific enquiry |
AWARD | Award |
UPDATE-AC | Update of automatically prepared draft of future contract |
CANCELLATION-TENDER | Cancellation of contracting process |
CANCELLATION-LOT | Cancellation of specific lot of contracting process |
‘funder’ codelist
‘payer’ codelist
‘procuringEntity’ codelist
‘responsibleContactPerson’ codelist
‘pmd’ codelist
MV | Micro Value Procedure |
SV | Small Value Procedure |
OT | Open Tender Procedure |
DA | Direct Award |
OP | Other Procedure |
NP | Negotiation Procedure |
Milestone Type
preProcurement | For events during the planning or pre-procurement phase of a process |
approval | For events such as the sign-off of a contract or project. |
engagement | For engagement milestones, such as a public hearing. |
assessment | For assessment and adjudication milestones |
delivery | For delivery milestones |
reporting | For reporting milestones, such as when key reports should be provided. |
financing | For events such as planned payments, or equity transfers |
Milestone Status
scheduled | This milestone has been scheduled |
met | This milestone has been achieved. |
notMet | This milestone had not been met at the date it was last reviewed |
partiallyMet | This milestone was judged to have been partially met at the date it was last reviewed |
BODY_PUBLIC | Body governed by public law |
EU_INSTITUTION | European institution/agency or international organisation |
MINISTRY | Ministry or any other national or federal authority, including their regional or local subdivisions |
NATIONAL_AGENCY | National or federal agency/office |
REGIONAL_AGENCY | Regional or local agency/office |
REGIONAL_AUTHORITY | Regional or local authority |
Method modality
electronicAuction | The procurement method involves electronic auction |
Party Role
buyer | entity whose budget will be used to pay for goods, works or services related to a contract |
procuringEntity | entity managing the procurement, which may be different from the buyer |
supplier | The entity awarded or contracted to provide supplies, works or services. |
tenderer | All entities who submit a tender |
funder | The funder is an entity providing money or finance for this contracting process. |
enquirer | A party who has made an enquiry during the enquiry phase of a contracting process. |
payer | A party making a payment from a transaction |
payee | A party in receipt of a payment from a transaction |
reviewBody | A party responsible for the review of this procurement process. |
micro | Micro business |
sme | Small or Medium Enterprise |
large | Large Enterprise |
Auction moves
met | Tenderer made a step in the round within the allotted time |
notMet | Tenderer did not take a step in the round and the value of his bid was set automatically |
Type Of Supplier
company |
individual |
Transactions Types
advance | Advance payment |
payment | Regular payment |
Requests Types
digitalSignature | The digital signature is expected as a confirmation |
outsideAction | The confirmation of execution of external action is expected |
Business Functions
authority |
procurementOfficer |
contactPoint |
technicalEvaluator | responsible for evaluating of the technical part of the offer |
technicalOpener | approves the opening of technical part of the offer |
priceOpener | approves opening of financial part of the offer |
priceEvaluator |
annex1 | Central Government Entities |
annex2 | Sub-central Government Entities |
annex3 | Other entities (Utilities) |
GPA Types of Organizations
subannex101 | Ministries/agencies and other government offices |
subannex102 | Government-owned entity or other national authority |
subannex103 | Body governed by public law |
subannex201 | Regional or local administration |
subannex202 | Regional or local owned entity |
subannex301 | Utility sector - (A) Production transmission supply storage of gas |
subannex302 | Utility sector - (B) Production transmission and supply of heat |
subannex303 | Utility sector - (C) Production transmission and supply of electricity |
subannex304 | Utility sector - (D) Production transportation and supply of water |
subannex305 | Utility sector - (E) Functioning of the centralized sewage facilities |
subannex306 | Utility sector - (F) Provision of services for usage of rail transport infrastructure of general use |
subannex307 | Utility sector - (G) Functioning of municipal electric transport and operation of its facilities to provide transportation services |
subannex308 | Utility sector - (H) Provision of services by bus terminals ports and airports |
subannex309 | Utility sector - (I) Provision of air navigation services for support of movement of airplanes |
subannex310 | Utility sector - (J) Provision of postal services |
subannex311 | Utility sector - (K) Geological exploration of the oil gas coal and other types of solid fuel |
subannex312 | Utility sector - (L) Operation and management of the fixed telecommunication networks of general use or provision of telecommunication services of general use |
subannex313 | Utility sector - (M) Transportation storage and processing of crude oil and oil products |
subannex314 | Other - State or community non-commercial (non-profit) organizations |
Other - Commercial organizations with over 50 per cent of government or community shareholding |
Amendment statuses
pending |
active |
cancelled |
Amendment Types
cancellation |
change |
Common Procurement Vocabulary
The main vocabulary is based on a tree structure comprising codes of up to 9 digits associated with a wording that describes the type of supplies, works or services forming the subject of the contract.
scheme | CPV |
uri | |
Common Procurement Vocabulary (supplementary)
The supplementary vocabulary may be used to expand the description of the subject of a contract.
scheme | CPVS |
uri | |
Classifier of administrative-territorial units (MD)
Classifier is intended for use in the automated processing of information in various fields of activity in the context of administrative-territorial units
scheme | MD-CUATM |
uri | http://www.egov |
Classifier is available in MDM
Classifier of organizational and legal forms of economic entities (MD)
This classifier is intended for use in the automated processing of information in various fields of activity in the context of enterprises and organizations on the organizational and legal forms of business entities.
scheme | MD-CFOJ |
uri | http://www.egov |
Classifier of the types of economic activity (MD)
The classifier is the basis for collecting and providing data on the types of economic activity.
scheme | MD-CTEA |
uri | http://www.egov |
Classifier of the units of measure (MD)
scheme | MD-CUMA |
uri |
Classifier is available in MDM
International standards
Country Codes - ISO 3166
International Standard for country codes and codes for their subdivisions. The purpose of ISO 3166 is to define internationally recognised codes of letters that we can use when we refer to countries and subdivisions
scheme | ISO-ALPHA2 |
uri | |
United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE)
UN Code for Trade and Transport Locations, is a geographic coding scheme developed and maintained by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Standard assigns codes to locations used in trade and transport with functions such as seaports, rail and road terminals, airports, etc.
scheme | UN/LOCODE |
uri | |
International Standard Classification of Occupations
ISCO-08 provides a system for classifying and aggregating occupational information obtained by means of statistical censuses and surveys, as well as from administrative records.
scheme | ISCO-08 |
uri | |
Currency Codes - ISO 4217
The purpose of ISO 4217 is to establish internationally recognised codes for the representation of currencies.
scheme | ISO-4217 |
uri | |
Languages Codes - ISO 639
The purpose of ISO 639 is to establish internationally recognised codes for the representation of languages.
scheme | ISO-639 |
uri | |
In order to guarantee a successful implementation of the OCDS eprocurement system, the system needs to be integrated or reuse data from the following state registers (not exhaustive list):
State identification numbers of enterprises and organizations (MD)
scheme | MD-IDNO |
uri | |
Verification service of the IDNO codes is available in M-Connect Daemon
State population register (MD)
scheme | MD-IDNP |
uri | |
Verification service of the IDNP codes is available in M-Connect Daemon
State register of licences (MD)
scheme | MD-SRL |
uri |
Register will soon be available in M-Connect Daemon
State register of legal entities (MD)
scheme | MD-SRLE |
uri |
Register will soon be available in M-Connect Daemon
International Bank Account Number (MD)
scheme | MD-IBAN |
uri |
State register of licensed banks (MD)
scheme | MD-BNM |
uri | |
Register will soon be available in MDM
Organization registration registry
The values from this codelist are used to identify the particular list that an organisation identifier was drawn from. The codelist provides a register of known identifier lists, including national company registers, NGO directories and international and multilateral organisation lists - along with guidance and online resources to help locate the identifiers assigned to a specific organisation.
Organisation Identifiers
The IATI standard allows for the recording of information on all organisations that participate in any part of the lifecycle of an aid activity: inter alia donors, beneficiaries, extending and implementing agencies. Crucial to this, is a common process through which to identify and declare identifiers for these organisations.
Two components of IATI Organisation Identifiers
Identifier strings consist of two components:
- The namespace code - a code that creates and maintains a given organisational identifier registry
- The base identifier – re-use of an existing identifier from that namespace/registry.
Procurement Process Stages
Depending on the type of procedure different stages can be used. In general, there are five main stages of the procurement process, from which the competitive phase of the purchasing process can consist (in different combinations and / or sequences):
Groups of the general data-models
This stage determines information about the budget available or associated projects, through which specific need can be funded.
Expenditure Item
‘Expenditure Item’ is a model that describes a group of goods, services or works that a CA plans to procure over a certain period, as well as the amount allocated by the CA to finance the purchases of subject of this group during the specified period. The group is determined by specifying the parent class of the CPV (the first 3 or 4 digits, depending on local specifics in the requirements for determining the subject of procurement). The ‘amount’ is the sum of all sources of funding identified for this expenditure item as child elements (see below).
‘EI’ data-model
Figure 5. Statechart diagram for EI (go to
Statechart statuses
Expenditure Item statuses
The status field is used for EIs to indicate the current status of specific item
Title | Description |
planning | EI is in planning phase and no active contracting processes related |
active | EI is under implementation due to at least one active contract process related |
compete | EI is closed due to fulfillment of needs described |
cancelled | EI is cancelled Funding Source |
Expenditure Item Status Details
The statusDetails field is used for EIs t to indicate the current state of specific item.
Title | Description |
blocked | EI is suspended due to expiration of budget periods of related funding sources |
‘EI’ describes as Release Package according to the following scheme:
Title | Type | Description |
Ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this Expenditure Item |
Id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for EI |
Date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
Tag | string |
A value from the releaseTag codelist that identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this contract |
|| | string |
An identifier for this Expenditure Item |
tender.title | string |
Title for this expenditure item |
tender.description | string |
Description for this expenditure item |
tender.mainProcurementCatogory | string |
The primary category describing the main object of this tender. |
tender.classification | object |
Object described information about Entity in whose interests this EI is initiated See Classification |
tender.status | string |
The current status of the EI based on the table of EI statechart statuses |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of the EI based on the table of EI statechart statuses |
|| | string |
An identifier for the definition of subject of procurement under this EI (based on CPV) |
planning.budget.period | object |
Object described the period of validity of this EI See Period |
planning.budget.amount | object |
Object described the sum of available funds under this EI See Value |
planning.rationale | string |
The rationale for the EI provided in free text. |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs) and contracting processes based on this EI See RelatedProcess |
Parties | array : object |
Object described information about Entity in whose interests this EI is initiated See Organization |
Buyer | object |
An entity whose interest will be considered to pay for goods, works or services related to this EI |
Command model
To create new entity of EI standard model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE.
Attribute | Description | Obligation |
tender.title | Has to be specified as a free text | Optional |
tender.description | Has to be specified as a free text | Optional |
tender.classification | Has to be specified as a free text | Mandatory |
planning.budget.period | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | Mandatory |
planning.rationale | Has to be specified as a free text | Optional |
Buyer | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | Mandatory |
Update model
There are several options of executing for updating an existing entity of an EI depending on funding and current status of FSs connected to this EI:
- EI created but no relevant FSs yet defined (status:planning) - such EI available for update
- EI created and at least one relevant FS defined (status:active) - such EI available for amendment
To update of existing entity of EI cutted command model (update model) should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE
Title | Description | Obligation |
tender.title | Can be amended as a free text | Optional |
tender.description | Can be amended as a free text | Optional |
planning.rationale | Can be amended as a free text | Optional |
tender.classification | Can be amended until no FS related | Mandatory |
planning.budget.period | Can be amended | Mandatory |
Amend model
To amend existing EI the next model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE.
Title | Description | Obligation |
tender.title | Can be amended as a free text | Optional |
tender.description | Can be amended as a free text | Optional |
planning.rationale | Can be amended as a free text | Optional |
Funding Source
‘Funding Source’ is a model that describes a specific source of funding for needs from the parent ‘Expenditure Item’. Description contains information on both amount and the organization that provides the funds as well as other parties involved in the disposal of this funds: payer, donor. Also, through this model, the current status of the described budget is displayed, which makes it possible to understand whether the given budget is approved by the providing party (Treasury or Donor) and to what extent. The valence of the model enables the organisation of the relationships of the entities with other model entities (such as tenders and contracts). Thus, there is an opportunity to display the source of funds in announced tenders or concluded contracts.
‘FS’ data-model
Figure 6. Statechart diagram for FS (go to
Statechart statuses
Funding source statuses
The status field is used for FSs to indicate the current status of specific item
Title | Description |
Planning | source announced for future use |
Planned | source announced and sent for external approve (treasury) |
Active | source announced and in use |
Unsuccessful | source received from validator (treasury) with negative answer |
Complete | source is spent or budget period expired |
Cancelled | source cancelled |
Funding source status details
The statusDetails field is used for FSs t to indicate the current state of specific item.
Title | Description |
Blocked | used together with ‘active’ status: budget period expired but there are still contracting process in ‘active’ status which use funding from this source |
Query model
‘FS’ describes as Release Package according to the following scheme:
Title | Type | Description |
ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this Funding Source |
id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for Funding Source |
date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
tag | string |
A value that identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this contract | | string |
An identifier for this FS |
tender.status | string |
The current status of the FS based on table of FS statechart statuses |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of the FS based on table of FS statechart statuses | | string |
An identifier for the budget line item which provides funds for this FS. |
planning.budget.period | object |
Object described the period of availability of this FS See Period |
planning.budget.amount | object |
Object described the sum of available funds under this FS See Value |
planning.budget.sourceEntity | object |
Reference the organization providing the budget |
planning.budget.isEuropeanUnionFunded | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether this procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by EU |
planning.budget.project | string |
The name of the project that through which this funds are taken (if applicable) |
planning.budget.projectID | An external identifier for the project that this funds forms part of, or is funded via (if applicable). |
planning.budget.uri | uri |
A URI pointing directly to a machine-readable record about the budget line-item or line-items that fund this FS |
planning.budget.verified | boolean |
A True or False field to indicate whether this funds are verified by authorized entity (Treasury) |
planning.budget.verificationDetails | string |
The rationale for the verification provided in free text. |
planning.rationale | string |
The rationale for the FS provided in free text. |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about parent EI and related contracting processes and conducted contracts See RelatedProcess |
parties | array : object |
Object describes information about organizations involved in the disposal of this particular budget: payer, donor. See Organization |
Command model
To create new entity of FS standard model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE:
Title | Description | Obligation |
tender.procuringEntity | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | Mandatory |
buyer | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | Mandatory | | Has to be specified according to budget classification | Mandatory |
planning.budget.description | Has to be specified as a free text | Optional |
planning.budget.period | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | Mandatory |
planning.budget.amount | Has to be specified as a number | Mandatory |
planning.budget.isEuropeanUnionFunded | Has to be indicated | Mandatory |
planning.budget.europeanUnionFunding | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | Optional |
planning.budget.project | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | Optional |
planning.budget.projectID | Has to be specified according to budget classification | Optional |
planning.budget.uri | Has to be specified according to URI data-format | Optional |
planning.rationale | Has to be specified as a free text | Optional |
Update model
The update of existing entity of FS has several options of execution depending of source of funding and current status of FS itself. Thus, in case if FS that needs to be updated describes State funding (allocated by State Treasury), depending of current status from its validation perspective could be changed in a one of next ways:
- FS was recently created and either not send for initial validation yet or still under consideration (status:planning) - such FS available for update
- FS successfully passed the validation and available for use (status:active) such FS available for amendment
In case if FS that needs to be updated describes own fundings, it is available for direct amending because it is initially in active status.
Update and amend
To update or amend existing FS the next model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE
Title | Description | Obligation |
planning.budget.description | Can be amended as a free text | Optional |
planning.budget.period | Can be amended as an object according to definition | Mandatory |
planning.budget.amount | Can be amended specified as a number | Mandatory |
planning.budget.isEuropeanUnionFunded | Can be amended | Mandatory |
planning.budget.europeanUnionFunding | Can be amended as an object according to definition | Optional |
planning.budget.project | Can be amended as an object according to definition | Optional |
planning.budget.projectID | Can be amended | Optional |
planning.budget.uri | Can be amended according to URI data-format | Optional |
planning.rationale | Can be amended as a free text | Optional |
Budgeting transport model
On the transport level data-entities describing the budgeting could be organized and transferred (published) as a Record package according to OCDS. Therefore ‘EI‘ can be described as Record Package with linkage to Release Package with separate Release Package describes details of EI and Release Packages of used FSs:
"uri": "",
"version": "",
"extensions": [],
"publisher": {},
"license": "",
"publicationPolicy": "",
"publishedDate": "",
"packages": [
"uri of EI release package",
"uri(s) of EI's FS(s) release package(s)"
"records": [
"description": "This Compiled release includes definition of EI details",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {
"$ref": "#/models/EI"
"description": "This compiled release includes definition of FS details",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {
"$ref": "#/models/FS"
Figure 6.1. Scheme of a budget description using EI and FS models
‘Multi-stage process’ concept
Multi-stage process (MSP) is a model that describes a specific contract process - the procurement procedure announced by the CA. Depending on the type of procedure, method of procurement, geography and the legal basis, the attribute composition of the model can be adjusted, but its general logic remains unchanged for all types of procedures.
MSP described with a Record Package consists of four (at least) or more Release Packages:
- Contracting Process (CP); overarching hi-level common data and the budget of procurement
- Release package with all other data. Depends of start point: PN, PIN or CfC (PS/PQ/EV)
- Expenditure Item (EI) - hi-level common data of used EI
- At least one Funding Source (FS) - detailed information about used FS
Transport model
"uri": "",
"version": "",
"extensions": [],
"publisher": {},
"license": "",
"publishedDate": "",
"packages": [
"uri of EI release package",
"uri(s) of FS(s) release package(s)",
"uri of CP hi-level release package",
"uri of CN details release package"
"records": [
"description": "This Compiled release includes CN's hi-level",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {"$ref": "#/models/CP"}
"description": "This compiled release includes CN's details",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {"$ref": "#/models/CN"}
"description": "This compiled release includes FS details",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {"$ref": "#/models/FS"}
"description": "This Compiled release includes EI's hi-level",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {"$ref": "#/models/EI"}
Contracting Process
CP is a overarching hi-level common data and the budget of procurement
Statechart statuses
Contracting process statuses
The status field is used to indicate the current status of a tender process.
Title | Description |
planning | A future contracting process is being considered |
planned | A contracting process is scheduled, but is not yet taking place |
active | A tender process is currently taking place |
cancelled | The tender process has been cancelled. |
unsuccessful | The tender process was unsuccessful. |
complete | The tender process is complete. |
withdrawn | No further information on this process is available under this ocid. |
Contracting process status details
The statusDetails field is used to indicate the current state of a tender process.
Title | Description |
preselection | This phase is established to achieve the aims of pre-selection step |
preselected | The aims of preselection step are achieved within this hase |
prequalification | This phase is established to achieve the aims of pre-qualification step |
prequalified | The aims of pre-qualification step are achieved within this hase |
evaluation | This phase is established to achieve the aims of evaluation step |
evaluated | The aims of evaluation step are achieved within this hase |
execution | This phase describes an implementation of the concluded contract |
suspended | This phase is suspended due to applied business logic |
Query Model
CP described as Release Package according to the following scheme:
Title | Type | Decription |
ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this Contracting Process |
id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for CP |
date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
tag | string |
A value that identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this contract |
planning.rationale | string |
The rationale for the procurement provided in free text. |
planning.budget.description | string |
A short free text description of the budget source |
planning.budget.amount | object |
Object described the sum of funds specified by CA this CP See Value |
planning.budget.isEuropeanUnionFunded | boolean |
True/False field to indicate whether this procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by EU |
planning.budget.budgetBreakdown | Array : object |
Detailed budget breakdown to be expressed, covering multiple budget sources and multiple periods | | string |
An identifier for this CP |
tender.title | string |
Title for this CP |
tender.description | string |
Description for this CP |
tender.classification | object |
The primary classification for the tender. Uses CPV Codelist See Classification |
tender.status | string |
The current status of the CP based on the table of the CP statuses |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of the CP based on the table of the CP statuses |
tender.value | object |
The total upper estimated value of this CP See Value |
tender.procurementMethod | string |
Specify tendering method against the procurementMethods codelist |
tender.procurementMethodDetails | string |
Additional detail on the procurement method used. |
tender.procurementMethodRationale | string |
Rationale of procurement method |
tender.procurementMethodAdditionalInfo | string |
Additional information about the procurement method |
tender.mainProcurementCategory | string |
The primary category describing the object of this contracting process from the procurementCategory codelist |
tender.additionalProcurementCategories | string |
Additional categories which describe the subject of this CP, from the extendedProcurementCategory codelist |
tender.hasEnquiries | boolean |
A true/false field to indicate whether any enquiries were received during the tender process |
tender.eligibilityCriteria | string |
A description of any eligibility criteria for potential suppliers. |
tender.submissionLanguages | Array : string |
Language(s) in which tenderers may submit |
tender.amendments | Array : object |
A tender amendment is a formal change to the CN See Amendment |
tender.contractPeriod | object |
The period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active See Period |
tender.acceleratedProcedure.isAcceleratedProcedure | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether an accelerated procedure has been used for this procurement |
tender.designContest.serviceContractAward | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether a service contract will be awarded to the winner(s) of the design contest. |
tender.electronicWorkflows.useOrdering | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if electronic ordering will be used. |
tender.electronicWorkflows.usePayment | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if electronic payment will be used. |
tender.electronicWorkflows.acceptInvoicing | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if electronic invoicing will be accepted. |
tender.jointProcurement.isJointProcurement | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if this is a joint procurement or not. |
tender.procedureOutsourcing.procedureOutsourced | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether the procurement procedure has been outsourced |
tender.framework.isAFramework | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether a framework agreement has been established as part of this procurement |
tender.hasDynamicPurchasingSystem | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether a Dynamic Purchasing System has been set up. |
tender.legalBasis | string |
The legal basis of the tender |
relatedProcesses | Array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs), EI and other related sub-processes See RelatedProcess |
parties | Array : object |
Object described information about Entities involved into this CP See Organization |
Contracting Process details
Designed as a separate Release Package with detailed information of specific contracting process related to the hi-level common data of the process (CP). Depending of CAs procurement strategy such RElease Package may include data in different consistencies:
- Periodic Notice (PN) - this kind of notice means that CA have an intention to conduct a tender in some date during procurement year
- Prior Information Notice (PIN) - this kind of notice means that CA have an intention to conduct a tender in particular date (date, month or quarter) of procurement year
- Contract Notice for evaluation (EV) or pre-selection (PS) - this kind of notice means that the CA has an intention to conduct a t”Cender and start to collect bids right after publication.
Contract Notice (CN)
‘CN’ is a model describes a specific contract process - the procurement procedure announced by the CA. Depending on the type of procedure, method of procurement, geography and the legal basis, the attribute composition of the model can be adjusted, but its general logic remains unchanged for all types of procedures.
Transport model
CN described as Record Package consists of four (at least) or more Release Packages:
- ‘cnParent’ (hi-level common data of Contract Notice and a budget of procurement)
- ‘cnDetails’ with all other CN data (depends on the starting point (stage): PN, PIN or CfC (PS/PQ/EV)
- ‘eiDetails’ (hi-level common data of used EI)
- at least one ‘fs’ (detailed information about used FS)
"uri": "",
"version": "",
"extensions": [],
"publisher": {},
"license": "",
"publishedDate": "",
"packages": [
"uri of EI release package",
"uri(s) of FS(s) release package(s)",
"uri of CN hi-level release package",
"uri of CN details release package"
"records": [
"description": "This Compiled release includes CN's hi-level",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {"$ref": "#/models/cnParent"}
"description": "This compiled release includes CN's details",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {"$ref": "#/models/cnDetails"}
"description": "This compiled release includes FS details",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {"$ref": "#/models/fs"}
"description": "This Compiled release includes EI's hi-level",
"properties": {
"ocid": "",
"compiledRelease": {"$ref": "#/models/ei"}
contractNoticeParent (cnParent) Query Model
Name | Type | Description |
ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this Contracting Process |
id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for CP |
date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
tag | string |
A value from the releaseTag codelistthat identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this contract, taken from the initiationType codelist |
planning.rationale | string |
The rationale for the procurement provided in free text. |
planning.budget.description | string |
A short free text description of the budget source |
planning.budget.amount | object |
Object described the sum of funds specified by CA this CP See Value |
planning.budget.isEuropeanUnionFunded | boolean |
True/False field to indicate whether this procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by EU |
planning.budget.budgetBreakdown | array : object |
Detailed budget breakdown to be expressed, covering multiple budget sources and multiple periods See BudgetBreakdown | | string |
An identifier for this CP |
tender.title | string |
Title for this CP |
tender.description | string |
Description for this CP |
tender.classification | object |
The primary classification for the tender. Uses CPV Codelist See Classification |
tender.status | string |
The current status of the CP based on the tenderStatus codelist |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of the CP based on the tenderStatusDetails codelist |
tender.value | object |
The total upper estimated value of this CP See Value |
tender.procurementMethod | string |
Specify tendering method against the procurementMethods codelist |
tender.procurementMethodDetails | string |
Additional detail on the procurement method used. |
tender.procurementMethodRationale | string |
Rationale of procurement method |
tender.procurementMethodAdditionalInfo | string |
Additional information about the procurement method |
tender.mainProcurementCategory | string |
The primary category describing the object of this contracting process from the procurementCategory codelist |
tender.additionalProcurementCategories | string |
Additional categories which describe the subject of this CP, from the extendedProcurementCategory codelist |
tender.hasEnquiries | boolean |
A true/false field to indicate whether any enquiries were received during the tender process |
tender.eligibilityCriteria | string |
A description of any eligibility criteria for potential suppliers. |
tender.submissionLanguages | array : string |
Language(s) in which tenderers may submit, drawn from the submissionLanguages codelist |
tender.amendments | array : object |
A tender amendment is a formal change to the CN See Amendment |
tender.contractPeriod | object |
The period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active See Period |
tender.acceleratedProcedure.isAcceleratedProcedure | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether an accelerated procedure has been used for this procurement |
tender.designContest.serviceContractAward | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether a service contract will be awarded to the winner(s) of the design contest. |
tender.electronicWorkflows.useOrdering | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if electronic ordering will be used. |
tender.electronicWorkflows.usePayment | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if electronic payment will be used. |
tender.electronicWorkflows.acceptInvoicing | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if electronic invoicing will be accepted. |
tender.jointProcurement.isJointProcurement | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate if this is a joint procurement or not. |
tender.procedureOutsourcing.procedureOutsourced | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether the procurement procedure has been outsourced |
tender.framework.isAFramework | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether a framework agreement has been established as part of this procurement |
tender.hasDynamicPurchasingSystem | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether a Dynamic Purchasing System has been set up. |
tender.legalBasis | string |
The legal basis of the tender based on the legalBasis codelist |
tender.procuringEntity | object |
Link to the Organization operating this Process including a set of evaluation panel if declared by PE |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs), EI and other related sub-processes See RelatedProcess |
parties | array : object |
Object described information about Entities involved into this CP See Organization |
‘cnParent’ described as Release Package and can be described in two ways:
‘cnParent’ as Compiled Release
"ocid": "",
"id": "",
"date": "",
"tag": "compiled",
"initiationType": "tender",
"planning": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Planning"},
"tender": {
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"classification": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Classification"},
"status": "",
"statusDetails": "",
"value": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Value"},
"procurementMethod": "",
"procurementMethodDetails": "",
"procurementMethodRationale": "",
"procurementMethodAdditionalInfo": "",
"mainProcurementCategory": "",
“procuringEntity”: {
“name”: “”},
"additionalProcurementCategories": [],
"hasEnquiries": "",
"eligibilityCriteria": "",
"contractPeriod": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Period"},
"acceleratedProcedure": {"$ref": "#/definitions/AcceleratedProcedure"},
"designContest": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DesignContest"},
"electronicWorkflows": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ElectronicWorkflows"},
"jointProcurement": {"$ref": "#/definitions/JointProcurement"},
"procedureOutsourcing": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ProcedureOutsorcing"},
"framework": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Framework"},
"dynamicPurchasingSystem": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DynamicPurchasingSystem"},
"legalBasis": ""
"parties": [ {"$ref": "#/definitions/Organization"} ],
"relatedProcesses": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/RelatedProcess" }
‘cnParent’ as Release Package
"version": "",
"uri": "",
"publishedDate": "",
"publisher": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Publisher"
"license": "",
"publicationPolicy": "",
"releases": [
"$ref": "#/models/cnParent"
contractNoticeDetails (cnDetails) Query Model
Name | Type | Description |
ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this part of Contracting Process |
id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for part of CP |
date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
tag | string |
A value from the releaseTag codelistthat identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this part of CP, taken from the initiationType codelist |
purposeOfNotice.isACallForCompetition | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether this notice is a call for competition | | string |
An identifier for this part of CP |
tender.title | string |
Title for this part of CP |
tender.description | string |
Description for this part of CP |
tender.awardCriteria | string |
Specify the award criteria for the procurement, using the award criteria codelist |
tender.awardCriteriaDetails | string |
Specify the award criteria details for the procurement, using the award criteria details codelist |
tender.conversions | array |
Conversions to be applied for the criteria See Conversion |
tender.criteria | array |
Criteria required for the tenderers See Criterion |
tender.status | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the tenderStatus codelist |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the tenderStatusDetails codelist |
tender.enquiryPeriod |
The period during which potential bidders may submit questions and requests for clarification See Period |
tender.hasEnquiries | boolean |
A true/false field to indicate whether any enquiries were received during the tender process. |
tender.enquiries | array : object |
List of received enquiries and comment from PE See Enquiry |
tender.standStillPeriod |
See Period |
tender.lotGroups.optionToCombine | boolean |
True/False value indicates the CA reserves the right to combine the lots in this group when awarding a contract |
tender.lots | array : object |
A tender process is divided into lots. See Lot |
tender.items | array : object |
The goods and services to be purchased See Item |
tender.requiresElectronicCatalogue | boolean |
True/False value indicates whether bids must include an electronic catalogue. |
tender.submissionMethod | string |
Specify the method by which bids must be submitted using the submission method codelist |
tender.submissionMethodRationale | string |
A value from the submissionValueRationale codelistthat identifies the rationale where electronic submission method is not to be allowed |
tender.submissionMethodDetails | string |
Any detailed or further information on the submission method. |
tender.tenderPeriod | object |
The period when this part of CP will be open for submission See Period |
tender.procurementMethodModalities | string |
The modalities of the procurement method indicated with Method Modalities codelist |
tender.auctionPeriod | object |
General period of all auctions scheduled under specific contracting process See Period |
tender.electronicAuctions | array : object |
tender.documents | array : object |
All documents and attachments related to the tender, including any notices. See the documentType codelist See Document |
bids.details | array : object |
An array of bids, providing information on the bidders, bid status, bid values and related documents. See Bid |
bids.statistics | array : object |
Summary statistics on the number and nature of bids received. See BidStatistic |
awards | array : object |
A list of An award for the given procurement See Award |
tender.awardPeriod | object |
The period for adjudication and selection of the contract award See Period |
contracts | array : object |
Information regarding the signed contract between the buyer and supplier(s) See Contract |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs), EI and other related sub-processes See RelatedProcess |
parties | array : object |
Object described information about Entities involved into this part of CP See Organization |
Notification options
‘cnDetails’ described as Release Package related with at least ‘cnParent’ - hi-level common data of the process. Depending of CAs procurement strategy ‘cnDetails’ may include data in three different consistencies:
- Planning Notice (planningNotice) - using this kind of notice means that CA have an intention to conduct a tender in some date during procurement year
- Prior Information Notice (priorNotice) - using this kind of notice means that CA have an intention to conduct a tender in particular date (date, month or quarter) of procurement year
- Contract Notice (contractNotice) - using this kind of notice means that CA have an intention to conduct a tender and start to collect a bids right after publication date
In any case budget of future tender MUST be defined and indicated
Electronic reverse auction as an option
Contracting authorities may use electronic auctions, in which new prices, revised downwards, and/or new values concerning certain elements of tenders are presented. For this purpose, contracting authorities shall structure the electronic auction as a repetitive electronic process and include it into request for Contract Notice (CN only):
"procurementMethodModalities": [
"electronicAuctions": {
"details": [
"id": "",
"relatedLot": "",
"electronicAuctionModalities": [
"eligibleMinimumDifference": {
"amount": 1000.00,
"currency": "MDL"
If ‘electronicAuction’ included into CN creation payload as one of used procurementMethodModality, ‘eligibleMinimumDifference’ must be specified for each lot under this contracting process. The ‘currency’ must be equal to ‘tender.value.currency’ defined in the cnParent |
Planning notice - is an announcement of intention to conduct a tender. On this stage just hi-level params of future procedure should be indicated including estimated period of start (month or quarter). Specification of object of procurement, detailed award and non-price criteria etc could be announced with Prior Information Notice or Contract Notice. ‘planningNotice’ described as Release Package and can be described in two ways:
‘planningNotice’ as Compiled Release
"ocid": "",
"id": "",
"date": "",
"tag": "planning",
"initiationType": "tender",
“hasPreviousNotice” : false,
"purposeOfNotice": {
"isACallForCompetition": false
"tender": {
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"status": "",
"statusDetails": "",
"requiresElectronicCatalogue": false,
"submissionMethod": [""],
"submissionMethodRationale": [""],
"submissionMethodDetails": "",
"tenderPeriod": {
"startDate": ""
"documents": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/Document" }
"lotGroups": [
{ "optionToCombine": false}
"lots": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/Lot" }
"items": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/item" }
"relatedProcesses": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/RelatedProcess" }
‘planningNotice’ as Release Package
"version": "",
"uri": "",
"publishedDate": "",
"publisher": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Publisher"
"license": "",
"publicationPolicy": "",
"releases": [ "$ref": "#/models/planningNotice" ]
Prior Information Notice - publication of this kind of notice means that CA has an intention to conduct a tender in known date of procurement year. ‘priorNotice’ described as Release Package and can be described as:
‘priorNotice’ as Compiled Release
"ocid": "",
"id": "",
"date": "",
"tag": "planned",
"initiationType": "tender",
"hasPreviousNotice": false,
"purposeOfNotice": {
"isACallForCompetition": true
"tender": {
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"status": "",
"statusDetails": "",
"awardCriteria": "",
"requiresElectronicCatalogue": false,
"submissionMethod": "",
"submissionMethodRationale": "",
"submissionMethodDetails": "",
"tenderPeriod": {
"startDate": ""
"documents": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Document"
"lotGroups": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/LotGroup"}
"lots": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/Lot"}
"items": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/item"}
"relatedProcesses": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/RelatedProcess" }
‘priorNotice’ as Release Package
"version": "",
"uri": "",
"publishedDate": "",
"publisher": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Publisher"
"license": "",
"publicationPolicy": "",
"releases": [
"$ref": "#/models/priorNotice"
Contract Notice - publication of this kind of notice means that CA has an intention to conduct a tender and start to collect bids right after publication. ‘contractNotice’ described as Release Package and can be described as:
‘contractNotice’ as Compiled Release
"ocid": "",
"id": "",
"date": "",
"tag": ["tender"],
"initiationType": "",
"hasPreviousNotice": true,
"purposeOfNotice": {"isACallForCompetition": true},
"tender": {
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"status": "",
"statusDetails": "",
"awardCriteria": "",
“awardCriteriaDetails”: ””,
“criteria”: [{"$ref": "#/definitions/Criterion"}],
“conversions”: [{"$ref": "#/definitions/Conversion}],
"submissionMethod": "",
"submissionMethodRationale": "",
"submissionMethodDetails": "",
"hasEnquiries": false,
"enquiryPeriod": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Period"},
"lotGroups": [{"optionToCombine": ""}],
"lots": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/Lot"}
"items": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/item"}
"tenderPeriod": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Period" },
"documents": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/Document"}
"parties": {
"items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/OrganizationReference"}
"relatedProcesses": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/RelatedProcess" }
‘contractNotice’ as Release Package
"version": "",
"uri": "",
"publishedDate": "",
"publisher": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Publisher"
"license": "",
"publicationPolicy": "",
"releases": [
"$ref": "#/models/contractNotice"
Command Model
To create new entity of CN standard POST data model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE. Such POST-request must be based on CN data-model and includes only required and optional data-fields. Command model for all three kinds of notices is same. But the sets of required fields are different:
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
planning.rationale | optional | ||
planning.budget.description | required for: CNonPN/update CN | ||
planning.budget.budgetBreakdown | array | required for: PN/PIN/CN | | | required |
An identifier for this particular budget entry - OCID of used FS |
planning.budget.budgetBreakdown .amount | required |
Validation rules:
tender.title | required for: PN/PIN/CN | ||
tender.description | required for: PN/PIN/CN | ||
tender.awardCriteria | required for: CNonPN | ||
tender.awardCriteriaDetails | required for: CNonPN | ||
tender. procurementMethodAdditionalInfo | optional | ||
tender.submissionLanguages | array | optional | |
tender.legalBasis | required for: PN/PIN/CN | ||
tender.procuringEntity | required for: PN/PIN/CN optional for: CNonPN/updateCN | ||
tender.criteria | optional for CN of Online Procedure | ||
tender.conversions | optional for CN of Online Procedure | ||
tender.tenderPeriod | required for: PN/PIN/CN | ||
tender.tenderPeriod.startDate | required for PN/PIN | ||
tender.tenderPeriod.endDate | required for CN of Online Procedure | ||
tender.documents | array | optional |
Validation rules:
tender.procurementMethodRationale | optional | ||
tender.procurementMethodModalities | optional | ||
tender.electronicAuctions | required for CN if previous used (for online procedures only) | || | Temporary identifier for needed auction | ||
tender.electronicAuctions.details .relatedLot |
Temporary identifier of lot for which auction needs to be scheduled | ||
tender.electronicAuctions.details .electronicAuctionModalities | |||
tender.lots | array | required for: PIN/CN | | | required |
Temporary identifier for this lot, such as a lot number. |
tender.lot.title | required | ||
tender.lot.description | optional | ||
tender.lot.internalId | optional | ||
tender.lot.value | required |
Validation rules:
tender.lot.contractPeriod | required |
Validation rules:
tender.lot.placeOfPerformance | required |
Validation rules:
tender.items | array | required for: PIN/CN | | | required |
Temporary identifier to reference the items by |
tender.item.description | optional | ||
tender.item.relatedLots | required |
Validation rules:
tender.item.classification | required |
Validation rules:
tender.item.additionalClassifications | array | optional | |
tender.item.quantity | required | ||
tender.item.unit | required |
tender.item.internalId | optional | ||
tender.enquiryPeriod | required for CN |
tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate | required (for online procedures only) |
Planning Notice
"planning": {
"rationale": "",
"budget": {
"budgetBreakdown": [
"id": "",
"amount": {}
"tender": {
"title": "",
"description": "",
"legalBasis": "",
"tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "" },
"procuringEntity": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Organization" }
Contract Notice on existing Planning Notice (CNonPN)
"tender": {
"title": "",
"description": "",
“awardCriteria”: “”,
"enquiryPeriod": {
"endDate": ""
"tenderPeriod": {
"endDate": ""
"lots": [
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"value": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Value" },
"contractPeriod": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Period" },
"placeOfPerformance": { "$ref": "#/definitions/PlaceOfPerformance" }
"items": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/Item" } ],
"documents": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/Document" } ],
// if electronic auctions required, following set must be included
"procurementMethodModalities": [
"electronicAuctions": {
"details": [
"id": "",
"relatedLot": "",
"electronicAuctionModalities": [
"eligibleMinimumDifference": {
"amount": "",
"currency": ""
The update of existing entity of notice has several options of execution depending of type of notice and its status as well as intention to modify/include detailed description of nomenclature of subject of procurement.
Model for PN update
Planning Notice can be updated in planning status only - thus, before active process phase (e.g. EV) is launched under parent Contracting Process.
Name | Description | Comments |
planning.rationale | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.title | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.description | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.procurementMethodAdditionalInfo | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.tenderPeriod.startDate | Launch of start of submission can be postponed | |
tender.documents | Set of document can be updated with new elements or previously published documents can be updated with new versions | |
tender.procurementMethodRationale | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.lots | Set of lots can be added (if initial model did not include any lots) or updated with new elements by splitting existing one to two or more separate lots with the appropriate allocation of the initial budget for splitting lot. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. | |
tender.lot.title | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.lot.description | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.lot.contractPeriod | Period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active for this lot |
Note that:
tender.lot.placeOfPerformance | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.items | Set of items can not be changed but initially existing items can be amended with new values of following fields.Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. |
Note that:
tender.item.description | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.item.relatedLots | Relation with one of initial or added lots can be changed |
Validation rules:
"planning": {
"rationale": ""
"tender": {
"title": "",
"description": "",
"procurementMethodAdditionalInfo": "",
"submissionLanguages": [],
"procurementMethodRationale": "",
"tenderPeriod": {
"startDate": ""
"lots": [
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"value": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Value"
"contractPeriod": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Period"
"placeOfPerformance": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/PlaceOfPerformance"
"items": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Item"
"documents": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Document"
Model for CN update
Contract Notice can be updated during clarification of contracting process only
Name | Comment | Description |
tender.title | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.description | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate | Deadline for clarification can be postponed. Submission period deadline will be rescheduled according to the rules relevant to the procedure under used legal basis | |
tender.tenderPeriod.endDate | Deadline for submission can be postponed considering minimum eligible duration according to used procedure - for online procedures only | |
tender.documents | Set of document can be updated with new elements or previously published documents can be updated with new versions |
Validation rules:
tender.lots | Set of lots can be updated with new elements by splitting existing one to two or more separate lots with the appropriate allocation of the initial budget for splitting lot. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update. |
Note that:
tender.lot.title | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.lot.description | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.lot.contractPeriod | Period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active for this lot |
Note that:
tender.lot.placeOfPerformance | Can be amended as an object | |
tender.items | Set of items can not be changed but initially existing items can be amended with new values of following fields. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. |
Note that:
tender.item.description | Can be amended as free text | |
tender.item.relatedLots | Relation with one of initial or added lots can be changed |
Validation rules:
tender.procuringEntity | Note that:
tender.procuringEntity.persones | New persons can be added |
"tender": {
"title": "",
"description": "",
"enquiryPeriod": {
"endDate": ""
"tenderPeriod": {
"endDate": ""
"lots": [
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"value": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Value"
"contractPeriod": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Period"
"placeOfPerformance": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/PlaceOfPerformance"
"items": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Item"
"documents": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Document"
"procuringEntity": {
"id": "",
See how to work CN entity in Tutorial
Figure 6.2. Scheme of Contracting Process description using EI, FS, cnParent, PN, PIN and CN models
The planning section is used to describe the financial background to a contracting process. This include details of the budget from which funds are drawn or related budget-projects for this contracting process.
Periodic notice
Periodic notice - is an announcement of intention to conduct a tender. On this stage just hi-level attributes and values of future procedure should be indicated including estimated period of start of submission (month or quarter). Specification of object of procurement, detailed award and non-price criteria etc could be announced with Prior Information Notice or Contract Notice.
‘PN’ data-model
Figure 7. Statechart diagram for PN (go to
Statechart statuses
Periodic Notice statuses
The status field is used to indicate the current status of a tender process.
Title | Description |
Planning | A future contracting process is being considered |
Planned | A contracting process is scheduled, but is not yet taking place |
Active | A tender process is currently taking place |
Cancelled | The tender process has been cancelled. |
unsuccessful | The tender process was unsuccessful. |
Complete | The tender process is complete. |
Withdrawn | No further information on this process is available under this ocid. |
Periodic Notice status details
The statusDetails field is used to indicate the current state of a tender process.
Title | Description |
preAdvertised | There is no yet Contract Notice under this PN |
Advertised | There is a Contract Notice under this PN |
Contracted | The Contracting process established under this PN is contracted |
unsuccessful | The Contracting process established under this PN is unsuccessful |
Query model
Title | Type | Description |
Ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this part of Contracting Process |
Id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for part of CP |
Date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
Tag | string |
A value that identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this part of CP |
purposeOfNotice.isACallForCompetition | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether this notice is a call for competition | | string |
An identifier for this part of CP |
tender.title | string |
Title for this part of CP |
tender.description | string |
Description for this part of CP |
tender.status | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the table of statuses |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the table of statuses |
tender.lotGroups.optionToCombine | boolean |
True/False value indicates the CA reserves the right to combine the lots in this group when awarding a contract |
tender.lots | array : object |
A tender process is divided into lots. |
tender.items | array : object |
The goods and services to be purchased |
tender.procurementMethodModalities | string |
The modalities of the procurement method |
tender.documents | array : object |
All documents and attachments related to the tender, including any notices |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs), EI and other related sub-processes |
Parties | array : object |
Object described information about Entities involved into this part of CP |
Command model
To create new entity of PN standard POST data model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE.
Title | Description | Obligation | Comments |
planning.rationale | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | optional | |
planning.budget. budgetBreakdown | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | required |
Element attributes |
planning.budget. | Has to be specified according to budget classification | required | |
planning.budget. budgetBreakdown.amount | Has to be specified as an object according to definition | required |
Validation rules:
tender.title | Has to be specified as a free text | required | |
tender.description | Has to be specified | required | |
tender. procurementMethodAdditionalInfo | Has to be specified | optional | |
tender.submissionLanguages | Has to be specified | optional | |
tender.legalBasis | Has to be specified | required | |
tender.procuringEntity | Has to be specified | optional | |
tender.tenderPeriod | Has to be specified | required |
Element attributes |
tender.tenderPeriod.startDate | Has to be indicativelly specified | required | |
tender.tenderPeriod.endDate | optional | ||
tender.documents | Has to be specified | optional |
Validation rules:
tender.procurementMethodRationale | Has to be specified | optional | |
tender.lots | Has to be specified | optional |
Element attributes | | Has to be specified | required | |
tender.lots.title | Has to be specified | required | |
tender.lots.description | Has to be specified | optional | |
tender.lots.value | Has to be specified | required |
Validation rules:
tender.lots.contractPeriod | Has to be specified | required |
Validation rules:
tender.lots.placeOfPerformance | required |
Validation rules:
tender.items | Has to be specified | optional |
Element attributes | | Has to be specified | required | |
tender.items.description | Has to be specified | optional | |
tender.items.relatedLots | Has to be specified | required |
Validation rules:
tender.item.classification | Has to be specified | required |
Validation rules:
tender.items.additionalClassifications | Has to be specified | optional | |
tender.items.quantity | Has to be specified | required | |
tender.items.unit | Has to be specified | required |
Update model
Periodic Notice can be updated in planning status only - thus, before active process phase (e.g. EV) is launched under parent Contracting Process.
Title | Description | Obligation |
planning.rationale | Can be amended as free text | Optional |
tender.title | Can be amended as free text | Optional |
tender.description | Can be amended as free text | Optional |
tender.tenderPeriod.startDate | Launch of start of submission can be postponed |
tender.documents | Set of document can be updated with new elements or previously published documents can be updated with new versions |
tender.lots | Set of lots can be added (if initial model did not include any lots) or updated with new elements by splitting existing one to two or more separate lots with the appropriate allocation of the initial budget for splitting lot. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. |
tender.lots.title | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots.contractPeriod | Period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active for this lot Note that:
tender.lots.placeOfPerformance | Can be amended as free text |
tender.items | Set of items can not be changed but initially existing items can be amended with new values of following fields.Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. Note that:
tender.items.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.items.relatedLots | Relation with one of initial or added lots can be changed Validation rules:
Prior Information Notice
Prior Information Notice - publication of this kind of notice means that CA has an intention to conduct a tender at a known date in a procurement year.
‘PIN’ data-model
Figure 8. Statechart diagram for PIN (go to
Statechart statuses
Prior Information Notice statuses
The status field is used to indicate the current status of a tender process.
Title | Description |
Planning | A future contracting process is being considered |
Planned | A contracting process is scheduled, but is not yet taking place |
Active | A tender process is currently taking place |
Cancelled | The tender process has been cancelled. |
unsuccessful | The tender process was unsuccessful. |
Complete | The tender process is complete. |
Withdrawn | No further information on this process is available under this ocid. |
Prior Information Notice status details
The statusDetails field is used to indicate the current state of a tender process.
Title | Description |
preAdvertised | There is no yet Contract Notice under this PN |
Advertised | There is a Contract Notice under this PN |
Contracted | The Contracting process established under this PN is contracted |
unsuccessful | The Contracting process established under this PN is unsuccessful |
Query model
Title | Type | Description |
Ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this part of Contracting Process |
Id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for part of CP |
Date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
Tag | string |
A value that identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this part of CP |
purposeOfNotice.isACallForCompetition | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether this notice is a call for competition | | string |
An identifier for this part of CP |
tender.title | string |
Title for this part of CP |
tender.description | string |
Description for this part of CP |
tender.awardCriteria | object |
Specify the award criteria for the procurement |
tender.status | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the table of statuses |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the table of statuses |
tender.lotGroups.optionToCombine | boolean |
True/False value indicates the CA reserves the right to combine the lots in this group when awarding a contract |
tender.lots | array : object |
A tender process is divided into lots. |
tender.items | array : object |
The goods and services to be purchased |
tender.requiresElectronicCatalogue | boolean |
True/False value indicates whether bids must include an electronic catalogue. |
tender.submissionMethod | string |
Specify the method by which bids must be submitted |
tender.submissionMethodRationale | string |
A value that identifies the rationale where electronic submission method is not to be allowed |
tender.submissionMethodDetails | string |
Any detailed or further information on the submission method. |
tender.tenderPeriod | object |
The period when this part of CP will be open for submission |
tender.procurementMethodModalities | string |
The modalities of the procurement method |
tender.auctionPeriod | object |
General period of all auctions scheduled under specific contracting process |
tender.electronicAuctions | array : object |
tender.documents | array : object |
All documents and attachments related to the tender, including any notices |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs), EI and other related sub-processes |
Parties | array : object |
Object described information about Entities involved into this part of CP |
Command model
Title | Description | Obligation |
planning.rationale | optional |
| | required |
planning.budget.budgetBreakdown.amount | required |
tender.title | required |
tender.description | required |
tender.procurementMethodAdditionalInfo | optional |
tender.submissionLanguages | Has to be specified | optional |
tender.legalBasis | required |
tender.procuringEntity | required |
tender.tenderPeriod.startDate | required |
tender.documents | optional |
tender.procurementMethodRationale | optional |
tender.procurementMethodModalities | optional |
| | optional |
tender.electronicAuctions.details.relatedLot | optional |
tender.electronicAuctions.details .electronicAuctionModalities |
optional |
tender.lots | required |
| | required |
tender.lots.title | required |
tender.lots.description | optional |
tender.lots.value | required Validation rules:
tender.lots.contractPeriod | required Validation rules:
tender.lots.placeOfPerformance | required |
tender.items | required |
| | required |
tender.items.description | optional |
tender.items.relatedLots | required Validation rules: Values of tender.items.relatedLot for all Items have to be matched with all delivered lots by |
tender.item.classification | required Validation rules: All added in all items coincide by first 3 figures of value of in EI |
tender.items.additionalClassifications | optional |
tender.items.quantity | required |
tender.items.unit | required |
tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate | required |
purposeOfNotice.isACallForCompetition | required |
tender.lotGroups.optionToCombine | optional |
tender.requiresElectronicCatalogue | optional |
Update model
Title | Description |
planning.rationale | Can be amended as free text |
tender.title | Can be amended as free text |
tender.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate | Deadline for clarification can be postponed. Submission period deadline will be rescheduled according to the rules relevant to the procedure under used legal basis |
tender.tenderPeriod.endDate | Deadline for submission can be postponed considering minimum eligible duration according to used procedure |
tender.documents | Set of document can be updated with new elements or previously published documents can be updated with new versions Validation rules: All the document that exist in initially created CN must be present in the payload of update request |
tender.procurementMethodRationale | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots | Set of lots can be updated with new elements by splitting existing one to two or more separate lots with the appropriate allocation of the initial budget for splitting lot. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. Note that: In case of exclusion one or more lots from update-request, all related items will stay in release package of CN |
tender.lots.title | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots.contractPeriod | Period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active for this lot Note that:
tender.lots.placeOfPerformance | Can be amended as an object |
tender.items | Set of items can not be changed but initially existing items can be amended with new values of following fields. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. Note that: In case of exclusion of one or more lots from update-request, all related items will stay in release package of CN with no connection. |
tender.items.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.items.relatedLots | Relation with one of initial or added lots can be changed Validation rules: Values of tender.items.relatedLot for all Items have to be matched with all delivered lots by |
Publication of CN means that CA has an intention to conduct a tender and start to collect the offers / intention of interests / quotations. Depending on procurement method, the CN may be used either to award a contract (single-stage competition) or to pre-select participants for restricted competition (multi-stage competition). In this respect CN might be different from data-models’ perspective:
This is a stage under entire contracting process during which interested parties can intend their interest to participate in future procedure by submitting a short statement of information about the organization according to instructions or a questionnaire. This form the basis of a qualification submission that such parties must make to demonstrate their compliance to eligibility criteria and minimal technical requirements. CA selects several candidates to be invited to next stage. This stage relates specifically to the selection of competent participants, prior to the issue of the invitations to tender with a main purpose to select those potential suppliers, whose qualifications and experience would minimise the risk of non-performance.
‘PS’ data-model
Figure 9. Statechart diagram for PS (go to
Statechart statuses
Request of Interests Notice statuses
The status field is used to indicate the current status of a tender process.
Title | Description |
Active | A tender process is currently taking place |
Cancelled | The tender process has been cancelled. |
Unsuccessful | The tender process was unsuccessful. |
Complete | The tender process is complete. |
Request of Interests Notice status details
The statusDetails field is used to indicate the current state of a tender process.
Title | Description |
Cancelled | The contracting process is sent for cancellation but not yet cancelled |
Suspended | The contracting process suspended due to business logic applied |
Query model
Title | Type | Description |
ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this part of Contracting Process |
id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for part of CP |
date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
tag | string |
A value that identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this part of CP |
purposeOfNotice.isACallForCompetition | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether this notice is a call for competition | | string |
An identifier for this part of CP |
tender.title | string |
Title for this part of CP |
tender.description | string |
Description for this part of CP | | string |
An identifier for this pre-qualification process. |
preQualification.title | string |
Pre-qualification title |
preQualification.description | string |
Pre-qualification description |
preQualification.status | string |
The current status of the pre-qualification |
preQualification.statusDetails | string |
The current status details of the pre-qualification |
preQualification.period | object |
The period when the pre-qualification is open for submissions. |
preQualification.enquiryPeriod | object |
The period during which enquiries regarding the pre-qualification may be made and answered |
preQualification.procuringEntity | object |
The entity managing the procurement, which may be different from the buyer who is paying / using the items being procured |
preQualification.documents | array : object |
All documents and attachments related to the pre-qualification, including any notices |
preQualification.milestones | array: object |
A list of milestones associated with the pre-qualification |
tender.status | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the table of statuses |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the table of statuses |
tender.lotGroups.optionToCombine | boolean |
True/False value indicates the CA reserves the right to combine the lots in this group when awarding a contract |
tender.lots | array : object |
A tender process is divided into lots. |
tender.items | array : object |
The goods and services to be purchased |
tender.requiresElectronicCatalogue | boolean |
True/False value indicates whether bids must include an electronic catalogue. |
tender.procurementMethodModalities | string |
The modalities of the procurement method |
tender.documents | array : object |
All documents and attachments related to the tender, including any notices |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs), EI and other related sub-processes |
parties | array: object |
Object described information about Entities involved into this part of CP |
Command model
Title | Description | Obligation |
planning.rationale | optional |
| | required |
planning.budget.budgetBreakdown.amount | required |
tender.title | required |
tender.description | required |
tender.procurementMethodAdditionalInfo | optional |
tender.legalBasis | required |
tender.procuringEntity | required |
tender.documents | optional |
tender.procurementMethodRationale | optional |
tender.procurementMethodModalities | optional |
tender.lots | required |
| | required |
tender.lots.title | required |
tender.lots.description | optional |
tender.lots.value |
Validation rules:
required |
tender.lots.contractPeriod |
Validation rules:
required |
tender.lots.placeOfPerformance | required |
tender.items | required |
| | required |
tender.items.description | optional |
tender.items.relatedLots |
Validation rules: Values of tender.items.relatedLot for all Items have to be matched with all delivered lots by |
required |
tender.item.classification |
Validation rules: id in all items coincide by first 3 figures of value of in EI |
required |
tender.items.additionalClassifications | optional |
tender.items.quantity | required |
tender.items.unit | required |
purposeOfNotice.isACallForCompetition | required |
tender.lotGroups.optionToCombine | optional |
tender.requiresElectronicCatalogue | optional |
preQualification.title | optional |
preQualification.description | optional |
preQualification.period.endDate | mandatory |
preQualification.procuringEntity | optional |
preQualification.documents | optional |
Update model
Title | Description |
planning.rationale | Can be amended as free text |
tender.title | Can be amended as free text |
tender.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.documents | Set of document can be updated with new updated with new versions Validation rules: All the document that exist in initially created CN must be present in the payload of update request |
tender.lots | Set of lots can be updated with new elements by splitting existing one to two or more separate lots with the appropriate allocation of the initial budget for splitting lot. Initially published lots can be switched to cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. Note that: In case of exclusion one or more lots from update-request, all related items will stay in release package of CN |
tender.lots.title | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots.contractPeriod | Period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active for this lot Note that: any updates of lot.contractPeriod will have an influence to common tender.contractPeriod and any updates of lot.contractPeriod will be validated according to used FS and their planning.budget.budgetPeriod |
tender.lots.placeOfPerformance | Can be amended as an object |
tender.items | Set of items can not be changed but initially existing items can be amended with new values of following fields. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. Note that: In case of exclusion of one or more lots from update-request, all related items will stay in release package of CN with no connection. |
Fields that can be amended |
tender.items.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.items.relatedLots | Relation with one of initial or added lots can be changed Validation rules: Values of tender.items.relatedLot for all Items have to be matched with all delivered lots by |
preQualification.title |
preQualification.description |
preQualification.period.endDate |
preQualification.documents |
During ‘Evaluation’ stage all invited (pre-selected) parties submitting a financial offer according to instructions or a questionnaire. CA selects several candidates to be invited to next stage. Financial evaluation of the proposals involves consideration the offers against financial and commercial requirements stipulated in the tender documentation and in accordance to awarding criteria used.
‘EV’ data-model
Figure 10. Statechart diagram for EV (go to
Statechart statuses
Request of Interests Notice statuses
The status field is used to indicate the current status of a tender process.
Title | Description |
active | A tender process is currently taking place |
cancelled | The tender process has been cancelled. |
unsuccessful | The tender process was unsuccessful. |
complete | The tender process is complete. |
Request of Interests Notice status details
The statusDetails field is used to indicate the current state of a tender process.
Title | Description |
cancelled | The contracting process is sent for cancellation but not yet cancelled |
suspended | The contracting process suspended due to business logic applied |
awarded | The specific tenderer is awarded within current phase of the contracting process |
contractPrearation | Contract preparation actions starts under this phase of the contracting process |
execution | Contract execution runs under this phase of the contracting process |
Query model
Title | Type | Description |
ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this part of Contracting Process |
id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for part of CP |
date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
tag | string |
A value that identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this part of CP |
purposeOfNotice.isACallForCompetition | boolean |
A True/False field to indicate whether this notice is a call for competition | | string |
An identifier for this part of CP |
tender.title | string |
Title for this part of CP |
tender.description | string |
Description for this part of CP |
tender.status | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the table of statuses |
tender.statusDetails | string |
The current status of this part of CP based on the table of statuses |
tender.lotGroups.optionToCombine | boolean |
True/False value indicates the CA reserves the right to combine the lots in this group when awarding a contract |
tender.lots | array : object |
A tender process is divided into lots. |
tender.items | array : object |
The goods and services to be purchased |
tender.requiresElectronicCatalogue | boolean |
True/False value indicates whether bids must include an electronic catalogue. |
tender.submissionMethod | string |
Specify the method by which bids must be submitted |
tender.submissionMethodRationale | string |
A value that identifies the rationale where electronic submission method is not to be allowed |
tender.submissionMethodDetails | string |
Any detailed or further information on the submission method. |
tender.tenderPeriod | object |
The period when this part of CP will be open for submission |
tender.procurementMethodModalities | string |
The modalities of the procurement method |
tender.auctionPeriod | object |
General period of all auctions scheduled under specific contracting process |
tender.electronicAuctions | array : object |
tender.documents | array : object |
All documents and attachments related to the tender, including any notices |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs), EI and other related sub-processes |
parties | array : object |
Object described information about Entities involved into this part of CP |
Command model
Title | Description | Obligation |
planning.rationale | optional |
| | required |
planning.budget.budgetBreakdown.amount | required |
tender.title | required |
tender.description | required |
tender.procurementMethodAdditionalInfo | optional |
tender.submissionLanguages | optional |
tender.legalBasis | required |
tender.procuringEntity | required |
tender.tenderPeriod.startDate | required |
tender.documents | optional |
tender.procurementMethodRationale | optional |
tender.procurementMethodModalities | optional |
| | optional |
tender.electronicAuctions.details.relatedLot | optional |
tender.electronicAuctions.details. electronicAuctionModalities | optional |
tender.lots | required |
| | required |
tender.lots.title | required |
tender.lots.description | optional |
tender.lots.value | Validation rules:
| required |
tender.lots.contractPeriod | Validation rules:
| required |
tender.lots.placeOfPerformance | required |
tender.items | required |
| | required |
tender.items.description | optional |
tender.items.relatedLots | Validation rules: Values of tender.items.relatedLot for all Items have to be matched with all delivered lots by | required |
tender.item.classification | Validation rules: All added in all items coincide by first 3 figures of value of in EI |
required |
tender.items.additionalClassifications | optional |
tender.items.quantity | required |
tender.items.unit | required |
tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate | required |
purposeOfNotice.isACallForCompetition | required |
tender.lotGroups.optionToCombine | optional |
tender.requiresElectronicCatalogue | optional |
preQualification.title | optional |
preQualification.description | optional |
preQualification.period.endDate | mandatory |
preQualification.procuringEntity | optional |
preQualification.documents | optional |
Update model
Title | Description |
planning.rationale | Can be amended as free text |
tender.title | Can be amended as free text |
tender.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.documents | Set of document can be updated with new elements or previously published documents can be updated with new versions Validation rules: All the document that exist in initially created CN must be present in the payload of update request |
tender.procurementMethodRationale | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots | Set of lots can be updated with new elements by splitting existing one to two or more separate lots with the appropriate allocation of the initial budget for splitting lot. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. Note that: In case of exclusion one or more lots from update-request, all related items will stay in release package of CN |
tender.lots.title | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.lots.contractPeriod | Period over which the contract is estimated or required to be active for this lot Note that:
tender.lots.placeOfPerformance | Can be amended as an object |
tender.items | Set of items can not be changed but initially existing items can be amended with new values of following fields. Initially published lots can be switched to status:cancelled by excluding of such lot from update request. Note that: In case of exclusion of one or more lots from update-request, all related items will stay in release package of CN with no connection. |
tender.items.description | Can be amended as free text |
tender.items.relatedLots | Relation with one of initial or added lots can be changed Validation rules: Values of tender.items.relatedLot for all Items have to be matched with all delivered lots by |
Contract Award Notice
Contract Award Notice is a public announcement of the outcome of a public procurement exercise. CAN indicates a results of the tendering and awarding process for both positive and negative cases.
‘CAN’ data-model
Figure 12. Statechart diagram for CAN (go to
Statechart statuses
Request of Interests Notice statuses
The status field is used to indicate the current status of a Contract Award Notice.
Title | Description |
active | The CAN is published and indicates positive decision regarding awarding in the lot |
cancelled | The CAN is cancelled by CA |
unsuccessful | The CAN is published and indicates negative decision regarding awarding in the lot |
Request of Interests Notice status details
The statusDetails field is used to indicate the current state of Contract Award Notice.
Title | Description |
lotCancelled | The reason why the award is negative is because this lot was cancelled by CA |
unsuccessful | The CAN is going to be published as negative once stand-still period expired |
allOffersRejected | The reason why the award is negative is because all the offers received are rejected |
active | The CAN is going to be published as positive once stand-still period expired |
contractPreparation | The contract preparation under this CAN is in progress |
noOffersReceived | The reason why the award is negative is because there was no offers received |
Query model
Query-model of Contract Award Notice is based on definition of ‘Contract’ object but used with cutted scheme
Title | Type | Obligation |
Description |
id | string | auto-generated |
The identifier for this CAN |
awardID | string | auto-generated |
The identifier of award against which this CAN is being issued |
date | date | auto-generated |
Date of publication of CAN |
documents | array : object | auto-generated | |
status | string | auto-generated |
The current status of the CAN |
statusDetails | string | auto-generated |
The details about current status of the CAN |
relatedProcesses | array : object | auto-generated |
If there is already AC generated against this CAN the identifier of such AC will be provided here |
amendments | array : object | auto-generated |
A CAN amendment is an object indicates that this CAN was sent for cancellation |
Reference to Awarded Contract
Upon the completion of complaining process system will allow to generate a set of separate Release Packages describing a scope and details of each awarded contract related with each ‘award:active’. Such relation describes within ‘RelatedProcesses’ object as an attribute of specific item of ‘contracts’ array.
"contracts": [
"id": "",
"awardId": "",
"status": "",
"statusDetails": "",
"date": "",
"documents": [],
"amendments": [],
"relatedProcesses": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/relatedProcess"
Update model
Once CAN is published and before CAN is confirmed Contracting Authority able to update such CAN with any additionally required document (e.g. report on procedure or signed decision of tender committee).
The contract section is used to provide details of contracts that have been entered into. Every contract needs to have a related award, linked via the awardID property. This is because supplier information is contained within the ‘award’. The framework contract details below help illustrate the reasons for this.
Awarded Contract
Awarded Contract is a result of the tendering procedure - concluded contract based on previously published Contract Award Notice.
‘AC’ data-model
Figure 13. Statechart diagram for AC (go to
Statechart statuses
Request of Interests Notice statuses
The status field is used to indicate the current status of a Contract
Title | Description |
pending | This contract has been proposed, but is not yet in force. |
active | This contract has been signed by all the parties, and is now legally in force. |
cancelled | This contract has been cancelled prior to being signed. |
terminated | This contract was signed and in force, and has now come to a close. |
Request of Interests Notice status details
The statusDetails field is used to indicate the current state of Contract
Title | Description |
contractProject | This contract has been issued as a draft and needs to be prepared by CA |
issued | This contract has been fully prepared by CA and ready for approvement by CA |
approvement | This contract is under approvement by CA |
approved | This contract has been signed by CA and moved for signing by EO |
signed | This contract has been signed by both, CA and EO |
verification | This contract has been sent for verification to the State Treasury |
verified | This contract has been verified by State Treasury |
clarification | This contract has been returned by State Treasury with clarification request |
rejected | This contract has been rejected by State Treasury |
cancellation | This contract has been set for cancellation (termination before signed by Supplier) |
termination | This contract has been set for termination |
complete | This contract has been terminated as completed |
unsuccessful | This contract has been terminated as unsuccessful |
Query model
‘Awarded Contract’ is a model that describes a contract obtained as a result of a competitive procurement procedure or the registration of a direct contract.
Title | Type | Description |
ocid | string |
A globally unique identifier for this part of contract |
id | string |
An identifier for this particular release of information for the contract |
date | date-time |
The date this information is released |
tag | string |
A value that identifies the nature of the release being made |
initiationType | string |
String specifying the type of initiation process used for this part of CP |
tender | object |
The activities undertaken in order to enter into this contract |
Object’s specifics for AC |
The data for this object is collected from CP and CN. The data here is used to identify main params of this Awarded Contract without reading of other parts of the Record Package of parent Contracting Process |
| | string |
An identifier taken from CP |
tender.classification | object |
The primary classification for the tender taken from CP |
tender.procurementMethod | string |
Tendering method code taken from CP |
tender.procurementMethodDetails | string |
Additional detail on the procurement method taken from CN |
tender.mainProcurementCategory | string |
The primary category describing the object of this contracting process taken from CP |
tender.lots | array : object |
Required details of each lot taken from CN See Lot |
awards | array : object |
Information from the evaluation phase of the contracting process. See Award |
Object’s specifics for AC |
Marged information of awards included into this concluded contract. There may be information collected from different awards published on evaluation phase - in case if selected winner for both (all) awards is the same legal entity |
| | string |
Separate identifier for award under Awarded Contract | | string |
Date of |
award.description | string |
In case of merging of two or more awards from evaluation phase under single Awarded Contract - justification of such merging |
award.value | object |
Total amount and its details for this specific award as a scope of Awarded Contract. Important: on this (contracting) stage previously (evaluation) used as specification of amount of selected financial offer without VAT award.value.amount goes to award.value.amountNet. And award.value.amount here specifies the total amount of price for all deliverables under this awarded contract with VAT. |
award.suppliers | array : object |
The suppliers awarded this award. |
award.items | array : object |
The subject collected under this specific awarded contract, broken into lines. In case of merging of two or more awards from evaluation phase, all items related to lots under merged awards described here as a single list |
award.relatedLots | array : string |
Set of identifiers of lots described in ‘tender’ object above related to this award |
contracts | array : object |
The set of information of concluded contract |
relatedProcesses | array : object |
Objects described information about related funding (FSs), EI and other related sub-processes |
parties | array : object |
Object described information about Entities involved into this concluded contract. Information here has be specified in order to recommendations of this documentation |
planning | object |
Planning for this contract |
Object’s specifics for AC |
Marged information of awards included into this concluded contract. There may be information collected from different awards published on evaluation phase - in case if selected winner for both (all) awards is the same legal entity |
planning.implementation.transactions | array : object |
Set of financial transactions planned under this specific concluded contract. Each planned transaction can be related to on specific deliverable or milestone achieved by ‘relatedContractMilestone’ |
planning.budget.budgetSource | array : object |
List of the Funding Sources used under this awarded contract. It may be cutted or even different comparing with one in ‘cnParent’ of parent Contracting Process |
planning.budget.budgetAllocation | array : object |
Information about allocation of used fundings from three main angles: what, when, what for: each Funding Source described above has to be specified with period of use and related one of items from list of described under this ‘award’. In case if one particular funding source is used for two or more items, If different items are funded from same funding source, these should be split into separate budgetAllocation blocks in parent array. |
Command models
To create AC standard data-model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE. Such POST-request must be based on definition of Contract and include only required and optional data-fields.
Figure 13.1. General contract preparation, signing, verification and activation process (go to a draft of awarded contract
Once the review period has expired, Awarded Contract against one or several CANs can be created by indication of the CAN(s) using the following scheme of the command mode:
Title | Obligation | Description | | required |
The identifier for CAN |
Update draft of awarded contract and its preparation for issuing
Since ‘contractProject’ is generated by system, updates can be prepared according to following scheme:
Title |
planning.implementation.transactions |
planning.budget.description |
planning.budget.budgetSource |
planning.budget.budgetAllocation |
contract.extendsContractID |
contract.title |
contract.description |
contract.period |
contract.agreedMetrics[*].observations[*].measure |
contract.documents |
contract.milestones |
awards[*].id |
awards[*].suppliers[*].id |
awards[*].suppliers[*].additionalIdentifiers |
awards[*].suppliers[*].persones |
awards[*].suppliers[*].details.typeOfSupplier |
awards[*].suppliers[*].details.mainEconomicActivity |
awards[*].suppliers[*].details.scale |
awards[*].suppliers[*].details.permits |
awards[*].suppliers[*].details.bankAccounts |
awards[*].suppliers[*].details.legalForm |
awards[*].documents |
awards[*].value.amount |
awards[*].value.currency |
awards[*].value.amountNet |
awards[*].value.valueAddedTaxincluded |
items[*].id |
items[*].quantity |
items[*].unit.value.amount |
items[*].unit.value.currency |
items[*].unit.value.amountNet |
items[*].unit.value.valueAddedTaxIncluded |
items[*].deliveryAddress | |
buyer.additionalIdentifiers |
buyer.persones |
buyer.details.typeOfBuyer |
buyer.details.mainGeneralActivity |
buyer.details.mainSectoralActivity |
buyer.details.bankAccounts |
buyer.details.legalForm |
Termination of issued Contract
CA can terminate a contract anytime starting from the moment of generation. For this next scheme has to be used:
Title |
amendment.rationale |
amendment.description |
amendment.documents |
Signing the Contract
Since contract is issued and PDF version is generated and added to the contract.documents by the system, contract will go to ‘statusDetails:approvement’ and will be ready to signed by Contracting Authority. To confirm that contract signed by CA, next scheme has to be used:
Title |
confirmationResponses[] |
confirmationResponses[] |
confirmationResponses[] |
confirmationResponses[].value.verification.type |
confirmationResponses[].value.verification.value |
User Actions
During ‘enquiryPeriod’ all data describing this period go to public model in real-time. All Entities who participates as ‘enquirer’ will be indicated in initial ‘parties’ right after such information became a public
Extension of initial query-model
All submitted questions (enquiries) describes as an array ‘enquiries’ in the definition of ‘tender’.
"tender": {
"enquiries": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/Enquiry"}
Also ‘hasEnquiries’ in cnParent will be switched in ‘true’ automatically in case of existing enquiries.
"tender": {
"hasEnquiries": "true"
Command Model
To create new question standard POST data model should be used for preparation of POST-request.
Name | Type | Comment | Description | | object | required |
Question author See Organization |
enquiry.title | string | required |
The subject line of the question |
enquiry.description | object | required |
The body of the question |
enquiry.relatedLot | string | required |
If this question relates to a specific lot, this field contains the lot identifier. |
"enquiry": {
"author": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Organization"
"title": "",
"description": "",
"relatedLot": ""
See how to submit question in Tutorial
During ‘enquiryPeriod” CA is able to submit an answer to question received.
Extension of initial ‘Enquiry’ data-model
"enquiries": [
Command Model
To submit an answer to a specific question standard data-model should be used for preparation of POST-request
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
answer | string | required |
Free text of answer |
"enquiry": {
"answer": "Lorem Ipsum"
See how to submit question in Tutorial
Future steps |
‘bids‘ section will be included to initial query-model of the stage and will include all ‘bids‘ that were disclosed Initial status of such ‘bids’ will be ‘pending’. All Entities who submitted ‘bids’ will be indicated in initial ‘parties’ as ‘tenderer’. After ‘tenderPeriod‘ all data describes this period goes to public.
Submitted and disclosed bids
Extension of initial ‘Process Stage’ query-model
"bids": {
"details": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/Bid"}
Command Model
To submit a bid standard data-model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE.
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
bid.tenderers | array : object | required |
The party, or parties, responsible for this bid. See Organization |
bid.value | object | required |
The total value of the bid See Value |
bid.documents | array : object | optional |
All documents and attachments related to the bid See Document |
bid.requirementResponses | array : object | optional |
The responses related to the requirements |
bid.relatedLots | string | required |
Provide the lot identifier here. |
"bid": {
"tenderers": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Organization"
"value": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Value"
"documents": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Document"
“$ref”: “#/definitions/requirementResponses”
"relatedLots": [
Requirement responses There is a number of scenarios in which structured information on requirements and other procurement conditions is included in the Contract Notice (see CN publication future steps). Therequirementsextension used for communicating criteria on the CN level also includes structures for collecting relevant requirement responses related to described requirements. Thus, command model of ‘bid’ will be extended with ‘requirementResponses’ array cover all the ‘criteria’ specified in the Contract Notice See how to submit a bid in Tutorial |
Update of submitted bid
Anytime during the contracting process before the deadline of submission period, Economic Operator is able to update previously submitted bid. To update existing entity of bid following model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE:
Command model
bid.tenderers | Must be included as it is in initial bid |
bid.value.amount | Can be amended as free figures |
bid.documents | Set of document can be updated with new elements or previously published documents can be updated with new versions |
bid.relatedLot | Must be specified as it is for initial bid |
bid.requirementResponses | Set of responses provided for the requirements |
Withdrawal of submitted bid
Anytime during the contracting process before the deadline of submission period, Economic Operator is able to withdraw his previously submitted bid. To withdraw existing entity of bid POST-request according to BPE rules should be used without any extensions for the data model of bid
Update of bid selected as a winning
Once Contracting Authority has selected particular bid as a winning (relevant award:status:active) and before the Awarded Contract is issued, Economic Operator is able to update his previously submitted bid with any required documents, requested by Contracting Authority (e.g. confirmation of self-declaration, actualized or detailed commercial offer, etc). To update existing entity of bid with set of new (or updated) documents following model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE:
Command model
bid.documents | Set of document can be updated with new elements or previously published documents can be updated with new versions |
Direct Awarding
‘awards‘ section will be included to initial query-model of the stage and will include all ‘awards‘ that were introduced, Initial status of such ‘awards’ will be ‘pending’. All Entities who were sent as 'suppliers' in ‘awards’ will be indicated in initial ‘parties’ as ‘suppliers’.
Introduced awards
Extension of initial ‘Process Stage’ query-model
"awards": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Award"
Command Model
To introduce an award standard data-model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE.
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
award.suppliers | array : object | required |
The party, or parties, responsible for this award. See Organization |
award.value | object | required |
The total value of the award See Value |
award.description | string | optional |
Description of an award |
award.relatedLot | string | required |
Provide the lot identifier here. |
"award": {
“description” : “”,
"suppliers": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Organization"
"value": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Value"
"relatedLots": [
Electronic reverse auction
If electronic auction included into specific contracting process, initial query-model of CN will be extended with the following:
On publication level
Subsection ‘procurementMethodModalities’ and ‘electronicAuctions’ of ‘tender’ section will be included to initial query-model.
"tender": {
"auctionPeriod": {
"startDate": ""
"procurementMethodModalities": [
"electronicAuctions": {
"details": [
"id": "",
"relatedLot": "",
"auctionPeriod": {
"startDate": ""
"electronicAuctionModalities": [
"eligibleMinimumDifference": {
"amount": "",
"currency": ""
On execution level
Unique link for each scheduled electronic auction will be available in Public Point. Depending on access-mode (with or without token) this link might work as:
- individual link of the participant, who accesses his personal page via this link and participates in the auction.
- public link to the auction which can be published anywhere for viewers, who use this link to observe.
"tender": {
"electronicAuctions": {
"details": [
"electronicAuctionModalities": [
"url": ""
On result level
Once all established under single submission stage electronic auctions end additional data describe final details and statistics will be included into initial query-model:
"tender": {
"auctionPeriod": {
"endDate": ""
"electronicAuctions": {
"details": [
"auctionPeriod": {
"endDate": ""
"electronicAuctionProgress": [
"id": "1",
"period": {
"startDate": "",
"endDate": ""
"breakdown": [
"relatedBid": "",
"status": "",
"dateMet": "",
"value": {
"amount": "",
"currency": ""
"electronicAuctionResult": [
"relatedBid": "",
"value": {
"amount": "",
"currency": ""
"statistics": [ ]
Information disclosure on tenderers occurs once the last auction in this process is completed |
Evaluation and awarding
During ‘awardPeriod’ all data describing this period go to the public model in real-time. All Entities who participate in the submission stage as ‘tenderer’ and become a ‘supplier’ (bidder of bid collects ‘award’ with ‘statusDetails:pending’) will be indicated in initial ‘parties’ right after such information became public.
Extension of initial ‘Process Stage’ data-model
"tender": {
"awardPeriod": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Period"
"awards": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Award"
Command Model for Declaration of non conflict of interest by evaluation panel
To submit a declaration of non conflict of interest by each separate evaluation panel member a standard data-model to be used for the preparation of the POST-request for BPE. Such POST-request must be based on definition of ‘award’ and include only required and optional data-fields.
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
requirementResponses | array : object | required |
The needed statusDetails according |
"requirementResponses": [
"id": "nonConflictOfInterest-1-1",
"value": true,
"requirement": {
"responder": {} // specific evaluation panel member to be reflected as
}, // PersonReference or complete Persone object (for replacements)
"id": "nonConflictOfInterest-1-2",
"value": true,
"requirement": {
"responder": {}
Command Model for Award update
To submit a decision via publication of updates of generated ‘award’ standard data-model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE. Such POST-request must be based on definition of ‘award’ and include only required and optional data-fields
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
statusDetails | string | required |
The needed statusDetails according to Award Status Details codelist |
description | string | optional |
Free-text description of decision made |
documents | array : object | optional |
All documents and attachments related to the bid See Document |
"award": {
"statusDetails": "",
"description": "",
"documents": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Document"
See how to submit question in Tutorial |
Working with Contract Award Notices
Since CANs generated as a result of received evaluation protocol, CA is able to run a set of operations
CAN update
Once CAN is published and before CAN is confirmed Contracting Authority able to update such CAN with any additionally required document (e.g. report on procedure or signed decision of tender committee)
Command Model
Name | Type | Comment | Description | | string | required |
Identifier of document in Document Service |
documents.documentType | string | required |
Type of document specified according to the codelist |
documents.title | string | required |
Free text title of the document |
documents.description | string | optional |
Free text description of the document |
"documentType": "",
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": ""
CAN cancellation
In case of a limited list of reasons published Contract Award Notice can be cancelled by CA. Such cancellation can be executed within submitting of separate object - amendment, contains all the information needed to execute and publish such cancellation.
Extension of initial ‘CAN’ query-model
Once cancellation for CAN submitted, initial model of CAN will be extended:
"tag": "awardCancellation",
"contracts": [
"amendments": [
"id": "",
"date": "",
"amendsReleaseID": "",
"releaseID": "",
"rationale": "",
"description": "",
"documents": []
Command Model
To submit an amendment for CAN cancellation standard command-model should be used.
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
amendment.rationale | string | required |
Reason for cancellation (selected from a standardized closed value-list) |
amendment.description | string | optional |
The additional information about cancellation |
amendment.documents | array : object | optional |
All documents and attachments related to the cancellation See Document |
"сontract[a]": {
"amendment": {
"rationale": "",
"description": "",
"documents": [
"documentType": "",
"id": "",
"title": "",
"description": ""
Anytime during contracting process before the contract is established, Procuring Entity is able to cancel either separate lot or all the contracting process. The cancellation mechanism technically implemented in a different way for all tender and separate lots.
Lot cancellation
Depending on the period and state of contracting process, lot cancellation flow can be executed in different ways:
During clarification period
Cancellation of the lot is executed within standart update of Contract Notice: identifier of lot or lots to be excluded needs to be absent in update-payload based on cn command-model.
Future steps In a next release it is considered to use the same approach as for tender cancellation - separate data-set (payload) through separate end-point. Consequently, to cancel separate lot, platform will be need to use to operate with a payload based on ‘lot cancellation command-model’ (same as tender cancellation) |
During tendering period[b]
To be provided
During awarding period[c]
To be provided
Tender cancellation
Cancellation of the active stage of contracting process is executed within submitting of separate object, contains all the information needed to execute and publish such cancellation.
Extension of initial ‘Process Stage’ data-model
If submitted amendment of tender cancellation exists, initial query-model of current stage will be extended with additional object - ‘amendments’:
"tag": "tenderCancelation",
"tender": {
"amendments": [
"id": "",
"date": "",
"type": "cancellation",
"relatesTo": "tender",
"amendsReleaseID": "",
"rationale": "",
"description": "",
"documents": [],
"status": "pending"
Command Model
To submit an amendment for tender cancellation standard command-model should be used for preparation of POST-request for BPE.
Name | Type | Comment | Description |
rationale | string | required |
Reason for cancellation (selected from a standardized closed value-list) |
description | string | optional |
The additional information about cancellation |
documents | array : object | optional |
All documents and attachments related to the decision on cancellation See Document |
"amendments": [
"rationale": "",
"description": "",
"documents": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/Document" }
Once review period for this decision expired and no claim satisfied, CA is able to switch previously published amendment to the final status and cancel related lots. This will add an additional set of attributes (or amend existing) and switch related lots to the ‘cancelled’ statuses:
"tag": "tenderAmendment",
"tender": {
"amendments": [
"id": "",
"date": "",
"amendsReleaseID": "",
"status": "active",
"statusDetails": "cancellation"
Future steps In a next release it is considered to use the same approach as for tender cancellation - separate data-set (payload) through separate end-point. Consequently, to cancel separate lot, platform will be need to use to operate with a payload based on ‘lot cancellation command-model’ (same as tender cancellation) |
Data models mind-map
Using data-models described above, procurement process itself as well as ‘collaboration’ of its different part could be shown as a structure of building blocks:
Figure 14. General scheme of the contracting process described using data-models